Todays's shave was nothing short of PHENOMENAL. Even though I hadn't shaved since Friday, my beard looks like the Amazon jungle...I didn't realize that it was that bad until my own mother reprimanded me for looking like a terrorist (even my wife sided with her...who am I to argue with the bosses?). But she doesn't understand the Heavenly virtues associated with waiting for such a shave. And Rene: You are right, Tom's DE ain't gonna hack it...This is a job for a serious weed whacker and the only one capable of wiping this messy wiry disaster clean is the Maxtom. What's more, I felt like the only way to properly prep this beard would be under the influence of Indian Sandalwood ;To accomplish this, I reached for the Cyril Salter/QED combination...The scent was so intoxicating that if I were to be caught driving with this stuff in my possession, I would be arrested on the spot and charged with DUI . I literally spent a good 10 minutes between making the lather and prepping the beard. By the time I was done, the wiry growth was considerably softer and ready for whacking so to speak. The Maxtom made this job look like a walk in the park...easy as pie (or is it cake?). BBS, super smooth and irritation free in 3 passes.
Have a PHENOMENAL Sunday Gentlemen.[/QUOTE]

Congrats Robert! You might want to check the edge on you Maxtom. It prob looks like a hack saw blade after that shave! LOL!