Prep: Hot shower with avacado oil in the 'stache (helps keep my wirey wiskers a little more pliable when I wax up the handlebar )
Cream: SHAVE shave cream from Australia courtesy of PaulKidd at the Spokane meet yesterday
Brush: Yakima custom
Mug: 20oz white coffee mug
Strop: 2.5" Walking Horse English Bridal 20 canvas 50 leather
Razor: 5/8ths D.Perez on loan from pinklather
Post shave: Honey Bee Gardens Bay Rum aftershave

Great shave although I did get a couple nicks. I was really impressed by the D.Perez and got a little side tracked a couple times so... I also like the cream quite a bit as well so I'd say it was a total success (even with the nicks)

Shave on,