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Thread: Sun November 18th - Sat November 24th

  1. #1
    The Shell Whisperer Maximilian's Avatar
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    Thumbs up Sun November 18th - Sat November 24th

    Location: 36° 0'5"N - 115° 15' 21"W
    Razor: Boker Collection
    Brush: SRP LE 2011
    Soap: Martin De Candre
    Astringent: Thayers Witch Hazel
    ASB: Nivea Extra Sensitive
    I have a truck load of Bokers to hone so this whole WK is dedicated to test shaving. Bokers are very nice razors. My personal favorites, shave-wise is the Silver Steel, Picadilly and Arborito. The Silver Steel being my personal number 1 pick. The Martin de Candre soap is such a wonderful soap it's truly a delight to use and paired with the Thäter a luxurious event.

    Lads, have a great week!
    JBHoren, rum, DerekC and 27 others like this.

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  2. #2
    Senior Member fonthunter's Avatar
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    Default SODT -- Sunday

    Good morning friends!

    PREP: Proraso Preshave Cream
    BRUSH: 23 mm Vie-Long 16510 Silvertip Badger Shaving Brush
    SOAP/CREAM: Castle Forbes Shaving Cream Levender Essential Oil
    SCUTTLE / BOWL: Fitjar Lathering Up Shaving Bowl
    RAZOR: 6/8" Le Talisman / PEROUX-COGNET, Thiers
    STROP: Kanayama Cordovan #60000
    SHAVE: 2 passes, WTG/XTG
    AS: Castle Forbes After shave Balm
    COLOGNE: Eau de Cologne LAVANDA Ach. Brito
    RESULT: Great shave, BBS

    Have a nice week,
    JBHoren, rum, baldy and 28 others like this.
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  3. #3
    OlllllllO eTom's Avatar
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    Have a nice Sunday, friends.
    Today one of the Thiers Issards
    Last edited by eTom; 11-18-2012 at 07:43 AM.

  4. #4
    Senior Member celticcrusader's Avatar
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    Prep L'Occitane Cedarwood soap
    Razor Vintage Maxotte High Grade 5/8 Full hollow
    Brush Simpson Chubby1 in Super
    Cream Simpson
    Alum & Witch Hazel
    Neroli Moisturiser
    Penhaligon's Castile Edt


    A lovely smooth two pass shave three days growth wiped out in an instant.

    Last edited by celticcrusader; 11-18-2012 at 07:45 AM.
    “Wherever you’re going never take an idiot with you, you can always find one when you get there.”

  5. #5
    . Otto's Avatar
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    Default Sunday

    Prep: Hot shower
    Brush: Martinez' Custom: Chess King w/ 26mm silver tip badger
    Soap: Truefitt & Hill: Luxury Shaving Soap
    Strop: Tony Miller Heirloom tri-strop (3x25)
    Razor: Mastro Livi 8/8 Bergam Damascus in Mammoth Ivory Scales
    ASB: Caswell-Massey Newport

    Unhurried, comfortable and relaxing early Sunday morning shave.
    It is still dark outside, and quiet. The smell of coffee is almost as strong as the Newport.
    I'm getting ready for my Sunday breakfast. Have a good week.

    "Cheap Tools Is Misplaced Economy. Always buy the best and highest grade of razors, hones and strops. Then you are prepared to do the best work."
    - Napoleon LeBlanc, 1895

  6. #6
    Plausibly implausible carlmaloschneider's Avatar
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    Not my normal ‘Edwardian style bedroom shave for this Sunday, but s standard bathroom one as I had to go out to lunch for the wife’s birthday. She's 46, 26 of those spent with me; so she really does need congratulating.

    Up to the top of Mount Torrens and back, which was hard after yesterday’s rock climbing, but I shaved a whole FOUR seconds off my time.

    The shave was excellent, I used the new O Melhor Orange Amber. Two passes, but the second just a neck touch up really.
    An early night tonight I think…

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  7. #7
    Lookin like a crim baldy's Avatar
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    Strop: MickR's Roo Hide
    Cream: Taylor's of Old Bond Street- Lemon & Lime
    Brush: Frank's Fine Badger
    Razor: Invicta 13/16
    Astringent: Thayer's Witch Hazel
    Balm: Nivea Replenishing
    A/S: Old Spice
    For both it's good looks and it's shaving ability, this razor is one of my absolute favorites.
    It must have been 4 days since my last shave, and the Invicta took me to BBS in 2 passes with ease.
    This was the last of the TOBS Lemon & Lime sample that Rene sent me. Fortunately I'm ordering a bunch of stuff from SRD tonight and a new bowl of it will be on that list.

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    Have a great week boys, and thanks for the great posts and pics
    "I aint like that no wife, she cured me of drinking and wickedness"
    Clint Eastwood as William Munny in Unforgiven

  8. #8
    Senior Member blabbermouth Mikael's Avatar
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    Prep: Hot shower
    Brush: Le Tuft w Simpson 22 mm silvertip and horn handle
    Razor: Erik Anton Berg w custom horn scales
    Soap: Cade
    AS: La Toja Manantiales
    Edt: Penhaligon, Castile
    Strops: Neil Miller
    Result: Very, very clean indeed

    These lovely scales where made by UKRob, thank you brother, they mach the razor perfect (which took a very nice edge, the steel is top notch and the grind is a lovely thin and delicate full hollow)! Was a perfect match for my custom Le Tuft brush w Abalone base

  9. #9
    Member davilafam07's Avatar
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    Default Sun November 18th - Sat November 24th

    Prep: Warm shower w/ some face wash and conditioner
    Brush: AoS Pure Badger
    Soap: SRD Bay Rum
    Razor: Boker 5/8 Edelweiss in white bone
    Strop: SRD 3in Black Latigo w/ poly webbing
    Shave: 2 passes WTG and XTG (ATG on the neck)
    AS: Clubman Virgin Island Bay Rum
    ASB: AoS Unscented
    Cologne: Armani Code Sport
    Result: I hadn't shaved in 4 days and I started hating life after the 3rd day and had I a craving for Bay Rum. So went all out And i did the soap in bay rum and aftershave in bay rum. Even though the AoS says its Unscented there's a clean scent that I can't explain and it mixes AMAZING with clubman bay rum. I was BBS in 2 passes and I felt like a new man, and not a caveman. After my shave the wife and I took the kiddos to Okinawa Neo Animal Park. I have 2 more days of leave then back to work.
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  10. #10
    Modine MODINE's Avatar
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    Razor – Le Jaguar
    Brush – Semouge boar
    Soap – Glycerin bar presoak & Valobra stick
    AST – ALUM
    AS – Tabac

    The Le Jaguar removed a couple days growth in a single pass. Lé Poof.
    Have a wonderful week of shaves.

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