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Thread: Sun December 23rd - December 29th

  1. #61
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    Hello all

    PREP: watching a you tube vid for first time shaves
    BRUSH: MINT Waterford Pure glass Crystal brush of substantial heft
    SOAP/CREAM: Kiss My Face Moisture Shaving Cream
    SCUTTLE / BOWL: Estate found vintage 1800's Derby Silverplate Floral Repousse 2 piece Shaving Mug with immaculate ornate designs
    RAZOR: 9.5/8 GB Anchor Wedge with an immaculate reputation for shaving well
    STROP: Vtg Barbers Leather Hibbard Spencer Bartlett & Co Razor Sharpening Strop
    SHAVE: right cheek

    RESULT: Interesting first try. I lathered my whole face but only tried my right cheek....LOL I tried the left side but I couldn't get the angle right in the mirror and I didn't want to report and blood letting. I stropped the razor first but I don't think I wasn't applying enough pressure. I counted about 4 hairs from my face in the shaving cream but I enjoyed my 1st experience. I love the feel of the brush too. I see that I have some work cut out for me though. Hurray It's official.

    Best shave ever!

    Toilet Club Owner
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  2. #62
    Senior Member blabbermouth nicknbleeding's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sashimi View Post
    My dad passed away last Friday evening in the presence of my mom, my sisters and me. It was tough to let him go, but at the same time good to prevent him from any further suffering. I'm going to miss him very much. He always was there for us and gave us good advice in life. Born in the very late 30's he never owned a straight nor had ever shaved with one. His first was a DE from the mid-50's. He finished with some Gillette thing with 3 blades.
    I couldn't think of any better blade than the v.d. Sanden for my first shave after this. A great shave to honour one of the strongest men in my life. Both in willpower and in mindset. Dad, I'm genuinely going to miss you.
    I am very sorry for your loss. I miss mine as well!
    Mvcrash, Geezer and Mephisto like this.

  3. #63
    Plausibly implausible carlmaloschneider's Avatar
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    Christmas Day 2012

    Interesting shave this Christmas morning. I gave my little 4 or 5 /8 J A Hellberg with the ornamental scales to my daughter’s boyfriend for Christmas, with some Body Shop Macca Root cream, a brush and a bowl. I offered to give him a demo so he knew how to use it. I did the whole thing, soaking the bowl and brush, making the lather, stropping and doing a two pass shave, with commentary all the way. That’s quite a lot of info to pass on, when you start with description and identification of the razor, grips, the intricacies of lather making, stropping etc. I think I did quite well with the passing on of knowledge. One day I’d really like to do a proper ‘documentary’ video covering all that. I’ll have to try and convince my son to play camera man one day…

    My demo shave was with the Macca root cream, the J A Hellberg frameback and Lavanda after shave. Hope you’re all having as good day. I think I’ve gained about 5 kilos, mainly being ‘beer fat’, I’ve had RATHER a lot of beers, wines and pear ciders over the last few days…

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  4. #64
    OlllllllO eTom's Avatar
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    Thiers Issard

  5. #65
    Senior Member blabbermouth sashimi's Avatar
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    Christmas day Shave
    Hot water prep
    John Creswick razor - New Forest Badger - Acca Kappa sc - cold water splash - Akka Kappa balm - shower - Acca Kappa AdC

    Merry Christmas to everyone
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  6. #66
    Senior Member blabbermouth LegalBeagle's Avatar
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    Merry Christmas, gentlemen!

    Mk32 | Manchurian Rover | Rose/Sandalwood Bomb | Sulwhasoo | Slumberhouse Norne
    He saw a lawyer killing a viper on a dunghill hard by his own stable; And the Devil smiled, for it put him in mind of Cain and his brother Abel.
    -- Samuel Taylor Coleridge

  7. #67
    Lookin like a crim baldy's Avatar
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    Strop: MickR's Roo Hide
    Brush: Comoy Badger
    Soap: SRD Vanilla Bourbon
    Razor: The Bastard File Razor 7/8
    Astringent: Thayer's Witch Hazel
    Balm: Nivea Replenishing
    A/S: Pinaud Clubman Bay Rum

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    Christmas day is just about over down here.
    My exhausted children are all in bed after having a great day.
    Hope you've all had/having an awesome Christmas Day.
    "I aint like that no wife, she cured me of drinking and wickedness"
    Clint Eastwood as William Munny in Unforgiven

  8. #68
    I love Burls....... and Acrylic HARRYWALLY's Avatar
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    Brush: Vintage Plisson
    Razor: John Barber, stub tail
    Cream: AOS sandalwood
    Balm: AOS sandalwood
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    Better then then the shave, was waking up my 9 month old daughter for her first Christmas!!!
    Last edited by HARRYWALLY; 12-25-2012 at 01:51 PM.
    Burls, Girls, and all things that Swirl....

  9. #69
    Senior Member blabbermouth Tarkus's Avatar
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    Default S.O.T.D. Dec 25 2012

    Merry Christmas Everyone
    Razor: Sta-Sharp (fresh off the stones)
    Prep" Hot Shower
    Strop: Lipshaw Microtome (both sides diamond rubber, Neil Miller leather)
    Brush: Omega mini badger
    Soap/Cream: Dr. Harris Lavender
    Aftershave: AquaVelva

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    Todays Christmas morning shave was a test shave fresh off the stones the Sta-Sharp was a thank you gift from a new friend. Sta-Sharps are my straight razor weakness & this one as well performed like all the others beautifully.
    Thanks Bill!!!
    This is also an anniversary for me of sorts. Its a year ago today I posted my first S.O.T.D. shave. I love doing this and with all of my fellow SOTD brothers keeps this passion fired up for me.
    Thanks to all who post here on the SOTD. Your a true inspiration.

    Darl (Tarkus)
    Last edited by Tarkus; 12-25-2012 at 12:07 PM.

  10. #70
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Tuesday XMAS Day

    Cadet OC/iKon Bulldog 11 Handle
    Gillette Super Thin
    TOBS Lavender Shave Cream
    Vie-Long Peleon Horsehair
    KOS Balm
    Herve Leger Homme

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