throwing in 2 shaves
pre- hot shower
cream= QCS (Briar)
brush= Thater (fine badger)
1) W&B 6/8
2)"59" Fatboy ( feather)
post= nothing
results = W&B was sharp but not smooth , looked at it close , a bunch of micro chips , so i had a 2 pass (WTG/ATG) WITH THE fATBOY AND CLEANED UP WHAT THE STRAIGHT MISSED

TODAY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
pre= none
soap= Bald Frog ( Arabian Hooka )
brush= Thater ( fine badger)
1) Fritz Bracht 5/8
2) Fatboy ( Feather blade)
3) Anchor
post= nothing
one pass WTG on right side of face with the Fritz
one pass on left side with the Anchor ( needs more hone work )
one pass ATG with the Fatboy ... nice shave with lots of toys to play with