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Thread: which edge did I use last?

  1. #11
    Senior Member blabbermouth RezDog's Avatar
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    I'm not a DE shaver but reading this thread I can't help be be left wondering; How expensive are those blades?
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  2. #12
    32t is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by thebigspendur View Post
    There are much bigger things in life to worry about.
    Not all of us are big spenders! The little bit I have used a DE has been with Walgreen special blades or similar. By accident I ran into a store while looking for another shop for ingredients for an aftershave that had Merkur blades. $8 or so for pack may not have been a deal as the other things in that store where expensive but what the hay. I don't know and didn't care.

    To me it is more of a matter of principle. Even if half is only 40 cents why throw something half used away? Using a blade a week for example for me that is about an hours wages after taxes per year. I can waste that money on something else! One 5th of one months truck payment maybe.
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  3. #13
    Senior Member blabbermouth Hirlau's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RezDog View Post
    I'm not a DE shaver but reading this thread I can't help be be left wondering; How expensive are those blades?
    They are not expensive. The Sharks are good enough for me, even though I keep a lot of Feathers on hand. It's more about getting the most out of each blade. I order online my DE blades, cheaper & better than what's offered at Wal Mart.
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  4. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by tintin View Post
    i thought the reason for two edges was so that when one side gets loaded up with lather you can use the other and rinse the razor half as much. i've been flipping the blade over after each use and i thinks it helps it last longer.IMHO
    +1, that is what I do. When the blade starts to dull after a few shaves I'll remove the blade and flip it (possibly palm strop it as well), which usually gets me another couple shaves from a blade before I toss it.

    I seem to average 4-6 shaves from a blade, which is better than the 3-4 I used to get before adopting this technique but that's the max for me. I'm not one of the guys who manages 8-10 shaves from a single blade.
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  6. #15
    Greaves is my friend !!! gooser's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryan82 View Post
    +1, that is what I do. When the blade starts to dull after a few shaves I'll remove the blade and flip it (possibly palm strop it as well), which usually gets me another couple shaves from a blade before I toss it.

    I seem to average 4-6 shaves from a blade, which is better than the 3-4 I used to get before adopting this technique but that's the max for me. I'm not one of the guys who manages 8-10 shaves from a single blade.
    ill have to try that , im at the 3-4 with any blade ive tried .. thanks !
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  7. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by RezDog View Post
    I'm not a DE shaver but reading this thread I can't help be be left wondering; How expensive are those blades?
    $.1 to $.4 a blade. The feather has been the most expensive I have seen but I have found on ebay they can go under $40 per 100 blades so if you find the right deals $.9 to $.32. At that rate I don't worry about even or uneven wear. Depending on the blade I toss it into the tin I use for a blade bank after 3 or 5 shaves. Compared to cartidge razors this still is a huge saving.

    Granted the least expensive in the long run is a straight. Much higher start up cost for razor, strop, and hone but you don't have to pay anything else for a long time. Hones last a long time as do strops. If you learn how to hone properly your only expense afterward is a new hone when yours wear done and a new strop is yours is damaged. Blades are a lifetime expenditure. The other problem is it takes more practice and skill to use a straight. I have gotten to where I can shave wtg with no problems but nick alot with xtg and atg. The size of the blade just makes it harder to get in some areas with a "sideways" stroke.
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  8. #17
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    When I need to use a DE because of excessive razor burn from a Str8 I use an Astra blade. If you look the edges are numbered in the corners 1, 2, 3, 4. Easy to remember which edge I used and I change edges after 3 or 4 uses. Not bothered by often need to rinse. Gives me a chance to check progress of shave, i.e. more lather needed, what nicks, how close so far (and a quick look in the mirror to see if I'm watching myself bleed to death LOL).
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  9. #18
    Senior Member blabbermouth 1OldGI's Avatar
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    I used to drive myself crazy obsessing on such details. Especially, how many shaves have I got on this blade. I decided to quit worrying about it, now I use the other edge when the one I'm using is loaded, and I shave with a blade until the first stroke it starts to not shave very comfortably.
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  10. #19
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    After trying many blade ....Lords do it for me. dont seem to see many a mention of them on various forums i read.

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