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Thread: Why are there no Shavette Forums out there?

  1. #1
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    Question Why are there no Shavette Forums out there?

    It seems to be all about the SR or DE razors, but there's little to no love for the people who enjoy Shavettes out there. I get it, Straights are great, and double-edged razors are wonderful as well.

    Myself, I love my Parker Shavette. I'll get into Straights eventually, but there will always be a special place in my heart for my Parker and my Sharks. There's something to be said when I can get a 90% BBS shave with no nicks with a tool that people say is "too harsh/agressive" for them.

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by Natz View Post
    Why are there no Shavette Forums out there?
    Probably for the same reason there are no Mach 3 forums

    All joking aside, why don't you start a dedicated thread about Shavettes, or a razor club (here on SRP) for that matter?

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    Phrank (08-04-2013)

  4. #3
    barba crescit caput nescit Phrank's Avatar
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    Hi Natz - there are some discussions on Shavette's! Do a search using the forum's engine, there's lots of stuff on DOVO, Parker, Feather shavette's.

    I just posted one here:

    I posted about the SR-1 on page four of the thread.


    Last edited by Phrank; 08-02-2013 at 11:26 PM.

  5. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryan82 View Post

    All joking aside, why don't you start a dedicated thread about Shavettes, or a razor club (here on SRP) for that matter?
    Wouldn't know the first thing about doing either.

  6. #5
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    I may be being a curmudgeon, but it seems like a lot of people enjoy bashing Shavettes; suggesting people skip it and go the straight route, or making it sound like it will instantly turn your face to hash or are somehow not a good route to try. I get that the forum is called Straight Razor Place and all, but the common bond we all share is the love of a good shave. It shouldn't matter how one obtains said shave, just that we enjoy doing it. I'm not looking for a fight or anything, but there has to be someone other than me here that enjoys shaving with a shavette.

    Like I said, I might just be blowing off some steam here and there was no offense meant to the SR/DE crowds out there, I'm just feeling like one of the very few that chose a different route and is enjoying it rather than mocking/complaining about it.

    Sorry if I hurt anyone's feelings
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  7. #6
    Not with my razor 🚫 SirStropalot's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Natz View Post
    Wouldn't know the first thing about doing either.
    Go here, Razor Clubs

    Look above the top thread and select "+Post New Thread"

    You're off and running.

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    Natz (08-05-2013)

  9. #7
    Fizzy Laces Connoisseur
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    Also I would highly suggest. If you dissagree woth someones view on shavettes in a given thread then pipe up with your pro comments. One thing I have found in my time on this forum is that varying ideas are always welcome. Discussions are usually entered into. And those on the sidelines who lack experience are then more likely to try the different options.

    Also it may be that there's something specific about the way you use a shavette that you can pass on... Don't worry about offending, rather embrace your love of the shavette and pass on your info.


    Oh... Incidentally I started out with a shavette. Still have it. Didn't have any complaints about it and got quire a good shave with it.
    MickR and Natz like this.

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    Natz (08-05-2013)

  11. #8
    May your bone always be well buried MickR's Avatar
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    Never used one myself, but I've thought it would be handy for those days I use the DE, but want to do a bit of refining around the goatee without having to breakout a cut-throat for such a small task. DE's aren't as fine a surgical cutter as an open blade, and don't get into all the spots on my face that I need to go to remove the odd errant whisker. I plan on picking one up one day. Start the 'Club' Get a new thread open and see if you can't convert a few more over to your method. I've always said, it doesn't matter what you use, so long as it's working for you!


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    Natz (08-05-2013)

  13. #9
    Customized Birnando's Avatar
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    A lot of people here use a disposable-blade straight.

    I myself started out with one, a Feather DX.
    It still sees some use every now and then, a Super Professional blade in that thing will mowe down a few days growth on my head like nobodys business.
    perhaps we should have a sub-forum dedicated to all the disposable-blade straights out there...
    Um, all of them, any of them that have been in front of me over all these years....

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    Natz (08-05-2013)

  15. #10
    barba crescit caput nescit Phrank's Avatar
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    Now - to each their own - if it works for you and you like it, that's all that matters.

    As I mentioned before, I got a Parker the other day, 5 Shark blades and 3 Lord blades included. While it was a functional shave and I got good results, for me, it defeats the purpose.

    A SR, whether vintage or new, is not something you, "replace", or "throw away" after so many shaves. The blade itself is what makes the razor, and the care of it. For me, as soon as something becomes disposable, as in the blades, I really don't see much difference between a cartridge razor like a Mach 3 get a handle, and you replace the blades every so often!?!

    The new Mach's or Fusion blades, when matched against a pro-barber with a SR, produced a better shave than the SR. The barber said, "....he couldn't compete with that!".

    So, in my opinion, and again, in my view only, I don't really understand the difference between a Mach / Fusion replaceable blade razor and a DE or Shavette replaceable blade razor. In fact, you'll get a better shave with the Mach's or Fusion (after 6 years of engineering study went into the design of the blades). SR's are not disposable, and the technique required and experience are vastly different - they are two completely different animals.

    Having said that, I've got nothing against using any of those razors if the reason arises.

    Again, different strokes for different folks, that's just my personal take on it.


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