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Thread: sanitizing a flare tip

  1. #11
    barba crescit caput nescit Phrank's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sean121718 View Post
    thanks to everyone...the concensus says I should use scrubbing bubbles and a toothbrush. Phrank mentioned barbicide and I told him I thought about barbicide, but in barber school they taught us that barbicide is only for plastic and rubber and that barbicide actually causes rust over time (ive never seen that) but I take their word for it....the product we used on metals (shears, razors etc...) is a product called "let's touch" and it always worked for me i'm just not sure if you can use it on vintage razors so im going with the concensus....thanks again
    FYI - Phrank:

    When you need a capable, all-purpose disinfectant for your barber shop, spa or medical office, look no further than Barbicide Disinfectant in this economy-size 128oz concentrate size.

    Simply mix 2oz of disinfectant with 32 oz of water and you have a high-power disinfectant that protects against:

    Hepatitis B
    Hepatitis C

    It even complies with OSHA's bloodborne pathogens standard and is an EPA-registered hospital-grade, broad spectrum disinfectant that is safe for acrylic tanning beds, stainless steel, plastics, combs, brushes, rollers, and shears.

    To keep your utensils lasting longer, it is even formulated with a rust inhibitor and, of course, it will not leave stains on your skin or work surfaces.

  2. #12
    Senior Member DoughBoy68's Avatar
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    Thanks guys for reminding me about the Brasso, I forgot about the ill effects.

    sean121718: Sorry about the bad advice!
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    "If You Knew Half of What I Forgot You Would Be An Idiot" - by DoughBoy68

  3. #13
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    yea, and don't use Clorox or similar. I soaked a Vision DE in the stuff and it destroyed the razor.
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  4. #14
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Note about Barbacide - Do not forget that you put your razor in it. I did this once or twice for an extended amount of time (overnight/ forgot about it)......and the blade came out hot and black, like I had soaked it in vinegar...
    Soak for 10 minutes (set the timer) And I think your suppose to let it dry on it's own, then I'd rinse it with really hot water then dry agian.
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  5. #15
    barba crescit caput nescit Phrank's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Trimmy72 View Post
    Note about Barbacide - Do not forget that you put your razor in it. I did this once or twice for an extended amount of time (overnight/ forgot about it)......and the blade came out hot and black, like I had soaked it in vinegar...
    Soak for 10 minutes (set the timer) And I think your suppose to let it dry on it's own, then I'd rinse it with really hot water then dry agian.
    Yes - 10 minutes and only ten minutes - rinse and dry.

    I don't let the scales get into the barbicide, even though it says it won't hurt it, why take the chance.

    Mind you, if I get an old razor, I will use the barbicide once, then just do normal cleaning.
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  6. #16
    Member sean121718's Avatar
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    thanks again to everyone....that's why this is my "go to" abundance of info....also the 10 min max rule for barbicide is spot on...if you leave it too long it has an adverse effect....
    Sean the barber

  7. #17
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    Nice, they look brand new! The colors are incredible on them, hard to believe they're originals.
    Last edited by Firefighter2; 10-03-2013 at 02:25 AM.
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  8. #18
    It's bloodletting with style! - Jim KindestCutOfAll's Avatar
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    I have several vintage DEs. When I first get it I generally use tooth paste and a tooth brush all over. Rinse in Hot water, then emerse the entire razor in rubbing alcohol and let it dry.

    Works every time.
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