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Thread: Not sure what blades to get

  1. #1
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    Default Not sure what blades to get

    I came acrossed a schick c2 injector razor, it came with a set of blades, but i dont want to use them because they are in their own package. I ordered a set of feather injectors and they are way to long. I didnt want to place another order without checking to see if anyone here knew anything about them.

    Thanks for any help

  2. #2
    I'm a social vegan. I avoid meet. JBHoren's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Otsm View Post
    I came acrossed a schick c2 injector razor, it came with a set of blades, but i dont want to use them because they are in their own package. I ordered a set of feather injectors and they are way to long. I didnt want to place another order without checking to see if anyone here knew anything about them.
    I use Ted-Pella injector blades in all my Schick safety razors, since 2005. Wouldn't dream of using any other brand.

    Here's the description from their website:

    Injector Style, Stainless Steel, PTFE-Coated Blades
    PTFE coated, stainless steel, injector razor blades
    Single edge, 20 per dispenser.
    • Length: 38.1mm (1.5")
    • Cutting Edge Length: 36.3mm (1.43")
    • Width: 8mm (0.314")
    • Thickness: 0.25mm (0.010")

    Prod # Description Unit Price Order / Quote
    121-4 Injector Blades, 20 blades in dispenser each $4.90
    You can have everything, and still not have enough.
    I'd give it all up, for just a little more.

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    Thank you, i will check those mesurements against what i have. That is great information. I will let you know if it is the right ones

  4. #4
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    Those are the right blades. Thank you. What kind of use do you get out of them. Also do you think there will be a problem with the mechanics of my repeating razo? I cant measure the thickness of my blades.

    Thanks again for all your help

  5. #5
    I'm a social vegan. I avoid meet. JBHoren's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Otsm View Post
    Those are the right blades. Thank you. What kind of use do you get out of them. Also do you think there will be a problem with the mechanics of my repeating razo? I cant measure the thickness of my blades.

    Thanks again for all your help
    Go easy on the thanks -- I might get used to it ;-) I'm afraid I can't be of any assistance regarding the "mechanics of [your] repeating razor"; as for the use I get, well, I mostly shave with straight razors, but might turn to a DE or one of my three Schick single-edge razors... in short, I immediately wash-off and dry the razor/blade combo when I'm done shaving, then store it in a dry place -- IIRC, I used to get 5-6 three-pass shaves from a blade. YMMV.

    Smooth shaving!
    JimmyHAD likes this.
    You can have everything, and still not have enough.
    I'd give it all up, for just a little more.

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    Sounds good, i mainly use a straight, but like having options and having everything up to par and ready to go.

  7. #7
    Senior Member Sargon's Avatar
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    I also think well of the Personna ( that's who makes Pella's blades) injectors, but they may not work in a C2. The really early models of Schick injectors weren't quite the same standards as the later versions, and I'm not 100% certain that they take modern blades ( I know alter but still quite venerable models like the E and G type do, however).

    You could also try the Schick blades (made in China, but quite good, and actually have a better rep than the Personnas), if you prefer, but there's no need to get both until you find out if they work ( they either will both work or both not work.)
    Last edited by Sargon; 10-27-2013 at 07:11 PM.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sargon View Post
    I also think well of the Personna ( that's who makes Pella's blades) injectors, but they may not work in a C2. The really early models of Schick injectors weren't quite the same standards as the later versions, and I'm not 100% certain that they take modern blades ( I know alter but still quite venerable models like the E and G type do, however).

    You could also try the Schick blades (made in China, but quite good, and actually have a better rep than the Personnas), if you prefer, but there's no need to get both until you find out if they work ( they either will both work or both not work.)

    They measure up exept that i cant mesure the thickness. I dont have a micrometer. Ill throw in a set of the schicks on amazon next time i make an order. I have heard mixed reviews on the personna blades

    Does anyone know if you can order them without the injector case? Just loose?

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