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Thread: Stropping DE blades...really?

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Mar 2014
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    Ok I feel a lot more at home on this thread ! As a DE/SE guy just moving over to a straight as well. I am a huge vintage collector of razors and blades alike. Now modern blades it really is not worth it. If you want longevity buy brands like Sputnik or Voskhod I have never had less than 10+ shaves of those blades. Now vintages like a older Personna 74 or even older and rarer like Enders blades or a Gillette 103 etc...... #1 I wouldn't use it but on the few times I did go down that road denim worked great at restoring an edge but only for like a shave or two. All your doing is resetting the edge.... You could also use your leather wallet a strop pulling the blade carefully towards you or even the inside of a glass all have worked for me. IMHO though those collectible blades are irreplaceable so I leave them in the showcase and modern blades are cheap enough that I don't even consider resetting the edge I just pop a fresh blade in; I usually cork a new blade to make them more comfortable. I guess I, preaching the opposite of this threads intent sorry guys !!
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  2. #22
    Senior Member SRNewb's Avatar
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    They're cheap. I'll pass, and just replace them when they get dull. If I'm going to strop anything, it'll be my SR. That's lots more fun, anyway.

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