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Thread: Started DE shaving....must be doing it wrong.

  1. #41
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    Sounds like progress!! I started with DE's and am now using SR's and DE's. It took a while for me to learn to hone my SR's and I got horrible shaves with them at first because they weren't properly shave ready. I use a Parker 24C Open Comb (but very mild) razor with Gillette 7 O'Clock Sharp Edge Yellows and Shark Super Stainless blades. Feathers, Astra, Derby, Gillette Black Platinum, Kai, Gillette Silver Blues and numerous other blades were way too harsh on my skin, especially my neck area. I have very wiry, coarse facial hairs and somewhat sensitive skin. I do a 3 pass shave 5 days a week when I have to work and even after that, the neck/jawline area may still feel rough, but I get lots of weepers if I try to clean it all up. I just ordered a slant bar razor (should be here today!!) to try out; I tried a few smiling straight razors and they worked wonders on my neck area...BBS and no razor burn, so I am trying the slant bar DE because it presents the blade at an angle instead of straight on. May be something to consider. I would try some different blade brands, the Gillette Yellows really work incredibly well, Sharks were a close second and most of the other blades I tried were either very painful (felt like paper cuts all over my neck) or didn't shave closely at all.

  2. #42
    Senior Member blabbermouth edhewitt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dpete View Post
    I have been reading for a little bit and got the urge to get a DE razor. I ordered a Merkur long handle, 100 Astra superior premium blades, a escali badger brush, and a cup of Taylor of old bond street sandlewood soap.

    I have not used the astra's yet, since I have only shaved 2 times. I used the razor that came with the Merkur.

    My old shaving habits are a quick pass with an electric, then cleanup with gel using a gilette sensor head razor.

    out of both days I used the DE, the first day, I made a pass with the electric first. The second day I did not. I have not cut myself, I have been using light pressure and short strokes. Both days, I have made 3 passes, re-lathering each time with circular brush strokes.

    What I find is the shave is not close at all. I am not sure why. On the day that I used the electric razor first, the shave was not close, but passable. Today, I used the DE-only, and after three passes, I had to shave again with my gilette.

    This is not the experience I was hoping for.

    Any help/comments?
    Without having read the whole thread (apologies) my guess would be razor angle. Your old sensor has a flexible connection between the blade and the handle, your D/E doesn't which means that you need to control the head angle yourself.
    You can easily De lather your face without shaving much hair off.
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  3. #43
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    I have used many different blades in my de and have found that for me, the Wilkinson sword worked the best, and by no means is it the most expensive...the last time I ordered them it cost me $15.00 cdn for 200 blades all in. I found the astra blades did not work well for me....they were sharp but for some reason just didn't get the job done...your mileage may vary but take heed of all the info here and just keep practicing...

    Im moving into straights now and ill have a whole new learning curve but the advice and knowledge on this site is quite expansive.

  4. #44
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    Those Merkur blades are duller than a garden hoe. At least the ones that came with my 34-c. I threw them in the trash after my first shave with Feather blades. Mind,......the feathers are sharp as holy hell. Go slow.

  5. #45
    Senior Member blabbermouth OCDshaver's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hozhead View Post
    Those Merkur blades are duller than a garden hoe. At least the ones that came with my 34-c. I threw them in the trash after my first shave with Feather blades. Mind,......the feathers are sharp as holy hell. Go slow.
    Nothing is more individual than a mans choice of DE blade. But I agree with you on Merkur. Try a Kai blade. It's a slightly thicker blade and just a touch less sharp. It makes for a clean, comfortable shave.

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