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Thread: Getting my son started on the right track!!

  1. #1
    Senior Member sharkbite111's Avatar
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    Default Getting my son started on the right track!!

    So my 14 year old son finally wanted to get rid of the 'dirt stache' he had going. He's been watching me clean and hone and shave with SRs for a little while now and actually likes a couple of the razors I own. Well, I tried offering one to him but he was afraid (lol) but he wanted to try a DE instead. So off to the medicine cabinet and I give him my old Gillette tech ball end (gold) from 1946-1952. I also gave up a shaving mug, a vulfix brush, an unopened C.O. Bigelow tube of shaving cream, a practically new bottle of witch hazel and the last 4 7 o'clock DE blades. I went through how the razor worked, put a blade in for him and gave him a quick demo. Then it was his turn....he was pretty apprehensive at first and struggled a little with LIGHT pressure, but after a WTG pass over his whole face, he was satisfied! His dirty upper lip was clean, no nicks/cuts, and a look of amazement as to how his face felt so different after his first shave. All in all, it was a lot of fun teaching him the basics and watching him try to figure out the different parts of his face. He enjoyed it, or so I'm guessing since he was rubbing his face for the rest of the day (like I do after a really nice shave ) I'm sure once he gets a few DE shaves under his belt, he'll be asking to try a SR!!


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  3. #2
    Senior Member bongo's Avatar
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    Hey Mate, that's really cool

  4. #3
    Huh... Oh here pfries's Avatar
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    I love it,
    you rescued him before he needed rescuing!

    On a side note my 12 year old son is not shaving yet but he starting to work on the hones,
    he is picking it up quick, he may be honing before shaving.
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  5. #4
    Moderator rolodave's Avatar
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    Great, great story.

    Doing this with your son will provide a life time of memories. This was a defining moment.

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  6. #5
    Senior Member blabbermouth Hirlau's Avatar
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    Good to see you passing on the tradition.
    Just my thoughts; I would let him enjoy the DE as long as he likes, teach him about the other pleasures that come with this hobby , such as soaps, creams, aftershave, find & pick out his own DE (vintage or new) etc.,,,,,then let him come to you when he wants the straight.
    rolodave and sharkbite111 like this.

  7. #6
    Senior Member blabbermouth tcrideshd's Avatar
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    This is a great story, so much was passed down from father and son that is not done today because of our disposable hectic career driven lives. Kudos,s to you and every other father who brings his son to manhood. It's been over 45 years since my dad took me to the shaving bowl and mirror, laid out the brush and mug of soap then showed me how to put the blade in his Gillette tech , then just guided me thru it with all the encouragement and pride of a great dad, You and him will have this memory forever. Tc
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  8. #7
    Senior Member RollinCoal69's Avatar
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    This is awesome! I am excited to teach my son. I have all his gear picked out from my collection. Just hope he shows an interest. If not its his choice, but really hope he does. Congrats on getting to pass this on to the next generation. Better put some locks on your collections. May come up missing one piece at a time. LOL

  9. #8
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    My 10 year old has been showing interest already. He has gotten into the habit watching me shave with my DE and SR. He thinks it is "cool" as he puts it. I told him when he grows more than peach fuzz on his face I will teach to use a razor. I have already taught him how to use a mug, soap, and brush. He is now my private lather guy. I will teach him how to hone latter. His mom got upset when I was showing how to sharpen a knife.


  10. #9
    Senior Member dexter90723's Avatar
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    I have a razor being restored for my 13 year old son as we speak. We bought him a small brush kit from The Art of shaving and I have been having him strop my razors for practice on a paddle strop. He is really excited to get started.

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