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Thread: Found a Gillette Adjustable TTO Razor

  1. #1
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    Question Found a Gillette Adjustable TTO Razor

    Hi guys I am new to the site and I came across this razor in my Grandfather old workshop. My grandmother said that this was a razor that he used and she was surprise it was out in the workshop. I did some research on the razor, I believe its a Gillette Adjustable TTO Razor from 1974 (code under the Razor head was U1).

    I am really wanting to get this all cleaned up to the point where I could use it since now that I found it now, it has that sentimental value since it was my grandfather's razor. How do you guys suggest I clean it and get it back in good shape? It also looks like one of the Guards is slightly bent, any suggestion on getting it bent back straight? You can see that the Guard is slightly bent out of place in the picture, its on the left side of the razor head. I also have a question on the adjustable part of the razor, How do I know if that area is working correct? Is there anyway to tell if it is working correct?

    Thanks in advance!

  2. #2
    Member NunoSa's Avatar
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    Itīs a 1974 Gillette Black Beauty. Sorry but that is all i can tell you, some more pictures from different angles would be great for evaluating the condition of that bent guard.

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  4. #3
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    That sure is a black beauty. It's a very desirable razor. When I found mine the guard was bent as well but I was able to carefully bend it back in place. When I was solely DE shaving it was a favorite in my rotation. Make sure you open the hanger doors before you adjust the setting.

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  6. #4
    I love Burls....... and Acrylic HARRYWALLY's Avatar
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    I don't have much experience fixing DEs, but I hope everything works out for you with this razor. Sure wish I had one of my grandfathers razors. Nice find.

    I'm sure someone will be around to give some help.
    Burls, Girls, and all things that Swirl....

  7. #5
    'with that said' cudarunner's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LilRobert View Post
    Hi guys I am new to the site and I came across this razor in my Grandfather old workshop. My grandmother said that this was a razor that he used and she was surprise it was out in the workshop. I did some research on the razor, I believe its a Gillette Adjustable TTO Razor from 1974 (code under the Razor head was U1).

    I am really wanting to get this all cleaned up to the point where I could use it since now that I found it now, it has that sentimental value since it was my grandfather's razor. How do you guys suggest I clean it and get it back in good shape? It also looks like one of the Guards is slightly bent, any suggestion on getting it bent back straight? You can see that the Guard is slightly bent out of place in the picture, its on the left side of the razor head. I also have a question on the adjustable part of the razor, How do I know if that area is working correct? Is there anyway to tell if it is working correct?

    Thanks in advance!
    I believe that I have an identical DE here in my home!

    Now! How do you know that It's Working? (I would presume that you want to know if it's 'Adjusting').

    Open the razor and look down at the area that holds the blade then pay close attention as you turn the adjustment from say 1-9 and you will see 4 rectangles that will ever so slightly move up and down! That is if it is 'working'!

    Chances are that all is fine! Now! To clean that up get a can of Mothers Mag Wheel Polish and an old tooth brush and go to town! I also recommend 3M's Hard Plastic Polish for the handle. OH! The Mothers will also help clean up the handle!

    Enjoy the ride!

    Worry about the alinement of the razor until you find out if the razor is functional!
    Our house is as Neil left it- an Aladdins cave of 'stuff'.

    Kim X

  8. #6
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    Thank you guys for your fast replies. That's good to know that its a Black Beauty, the pics I found of it they all had it as an Adjustable TTO. Thanks for correcting me on that one. NunoSa I will attach another pic of the guard in another angle for you. Ls2brew, how did you bend the guard back straight again, if you don't mind me asking?

    I hope these are better pics of the bent in the guard, let me know if you want another pic.

  9. #7
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    Well i think itīs not too bended, so with pliers and a little bit of care you can straighten the guard again. But wait for more experienced people to give some advise.

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    Quote Originally Posted by cudarunner View Post
    I believe that I have an identical DE here in my home!

    Now! How do you know that It's Working? (I would presume that you want to know if it's 'Adjusting').

    Open the razor and look down at the area that holds the blade then pay close attention as you turn the adjustment from say 1-9 and you will see 4 rectangles that will ever so slightly move up and down! That is if it is 'working'!

    Chances are that all is fine! Now! To clean that up get a can of Mothers Mag Wheel Polish and an old tooth brush and go to town! I also recommend 3M's Hard Plastic Polish for the handle. OH! The Mothers will also help clean up the handle!

    Enjoy the ride!

    Worry about the alinement of the razor until you find out if the razor is functional!
    Cudarunner, It looks like its wants to move up and it looks like there is a bunch of gunk build up around that area which is preventing it from moving up. I was thinking about putting it in warm water and maybe a little dish soap to see if that loosen it up.
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  11. #9
    'with that said' cudarunner's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LilRobert View Post
    Cudarunner, It looks like its wants to move up and it looks like there is a bunch of gunk build up around that area which is preventing it from moving up. I was thinking about putting it in warm water and maybe a little dish soap to see if that loosen it up.
    I just sent you a message, please get back to me!
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    Our house is as Neil left it- an Aladdins cave of 'stuff'.

    Kim X

  12. #10
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    Welcome to SRP. I'm no expert but, since that never stopped me before, what I used to do to clean TTO DEs ........ Get a rubbermaid container with a tight fitting lid. The container should be large enough that the DE will lay down in the bottom. Get a pump spray bottle of Scrubbing Bubbles, open it and dump enough of the contents in to cover the DE. Leave it in the mix for maybe five minutes. Scrub with a soft toothbrush, q-tips in tight areas. Rinse under the tap.

    I once left an old grungy German metal slant in the mix and forget about it for an hour or so. The plating came off the metal. So give it five minutes and check it. The Scrubbing Bubbles should help loosen the grunge enough to allow you to begine working the TTO and maybe the adjustment ring. The ring should 'click' at each diget, or thereabouts. In the first photo you posted that slot facing out, under the head, above the ring, has a flat spring and it should be visible if you look directly in there.

    Soap would get under the adjustment ring, dry and cake it up. You might need to put the head down in a water glass or something and put just enough liquid in there to cover the adjustment ring and let it soak. Mineral oil is what a lot of guys used to use to lub the old 'restored' TTOs. I used a rubbermaid container, same as with the Scrubbing Bubbles. I'd let the razor drown in the oil overnight, to let it work into all the nooks and crannies.

    Some guys boil old froze up DEs, I've never tried that approach. If you have access to an ultrasonic cleaner, that might be a good way to go. If you are friends with a tattoo artist, a gunsmith, they usually have one. Finally, I have never fooled with that particular model Gillette. If that is rubber on the handle, I'm not sure how it would stand up to chemicals, such as Scrubbing Bubbles.

    On the bent guard. Back in the '60s, when one of the TTOs was $2.00 or $3.00, if you dropped it and bent it, you usually just bought another. Anyway, if you want to straighten that guard you have to push it up against something where the other side won't get bent in the process. Maybe a pair of Channel lock pliers could grab under the other side, under the other guard, and lightly push/straighten the flare on the bent one. They are plated brass so be gentle whatever you do.

    Edit; the 'tight fitting lid' on the cotainer, is so that you can seal it and use the stuff again, and again. I've got the same juice I bought 7 years ago.
    Be careful how you treat people on your way up, you may meet them again on your way back down.

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