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Thread: Gillette year made, I have 2 codes. Help Plz

  1. #1
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    Question Gillette year made, I have 2 codes. Help Plz

    Hello all, thanks for the site and adding me. I'm not knew to forums. I strolled around and found some useful info from previous posts. It seems dating DE razors is somewhat of a science/art form. So with that I ask your expert opinions.

    I will try to post pics to help right now my daughter stole me USB cord so I can't upload pics till I get my cord back.

    • It is a Gillette one piece. Knurling on the handle then straight grooves on the tightening knob.
    • Under the head looking handle to head on the left is a letter "F" slightly above and to the right "REG US"
    • Still under the head, on right "PAT OFF" followed by the number "1"
    • Below that still under the head a diamond with Gillette in it and "MADE IN USA" on the right side of the handle

    Per this link: Razor Archive | Gillette Date Codes
    I found this data excerpt:
    E449208-J7344 Plus F/G/H (no I) J Series all U.S. military 102
    3.5 million razors produced for US forces in WWI
    35 million blades produced for US forces in WWI
    I am wondering if my razor fits this bill.
    If the above isn't the case I'm assuming late 60's early 70's as for my whole life my dad has had a beard ahahahahha

    I have not found any pics that are what I have but many similar.

    The reason for all this. I started using this when I was a kid, kinda stole dads razor and cream to shave in private like many of us. I just started safety razor shaving again and remembered I used dads old razor. I asked him if he still had it and he does now I do. I haven't asked him yet but I'm wondering if this could actually be from my grandfather, handed down to him, now to me. If it isn't that is ok, still coming from my dad and that is a great feeling there. Would be awesome if it was from grandpa, he is missed !

    So long story I'm sure you've seen these posts before. I'm hoping someone can shed a little light on this for me.

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    Last edited by propboy; 07-17-2014 at 01:11 AM.

  2. #2
    Senior Member MattCB's Avatar
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    Off hand it sounds like a Gillette flair tip super speed. show a pic and I can confirm.
    a f-1 date code would indicate being made in 1960. here is a pc of what I think you have

    Name:  DSCF2819_flare-tip_small.jpg
Views: 229
Size:  5.3 KB
    The older I get the more I realize how little I actually know.

  3. #3
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    Yep that's it I was able to post pics thanks!!!
    Know I know it was dad's and not grandpas.
    Still learning to "really shave" I was amazed at how this is kinda underground thing here in the states but making a come back it looks like.

    Thanks again

  4. #4
    Senior Member blabbermouth Leatherstockiings's Avatar
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    I love using Gillette DEs. Great heirloom you have there, propboy.
    Welcome to SRP.

  5. #5
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    amazing the amount of reading I have been doing just to re-learn how to shave after shaving for 30 yrs ahahahah
    right now using generic blades and pre foam gel.
    I'll be looking into blades, Badger hair brush and soap. I just need to find somewhere local that has "real mans" shaving supplies.

    I'm sure I'll have more questions. I'll use the search button before asking I promise

  6. #6
    Senior Member blabbermouth Leatherstockiings's Avatar
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    I'm sure you noticed that there is a section of SRP devoted to shaving with safety razors.
    There are some good reviews on DE blades there.
    Shaving with Safety Razors

  7. #7
    Senior Member RollinCoal69's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by propboy View Post
    amazing the amount of reading I have been doing just to re-learn how to shave after shaving for 30 yrs ahahahah
    right now using generic blades and pre foam gel.
    I'll be looking into blades, Badger hair brush and soap. I just need to find somewhere local that has "real mans" shaving supplies.

    I'm sure I'll have more questions. I'll use the search button before asking I promise
    Good luck finding a local distributor. The large chain stores tend to carry some stuff, but the good stuff tends to have to be ordered online. If you have a local brick an mortar store consider yourself lucky. If not check out the classifieds on here an also here is a list of websites to get you started in your journey.

    Straight razor designs
    west coast shaving
    Italian Barber supply
    Maggards Razors
    Razor Emporium.

    Just to name a few. Happy shaving
    "The black smoke is just lost power"

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