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Thread: Head tightening

  1. #1
    Senior Member
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    Default Head tightening

    How much should I tighten the head of my safety razor after a shave(if I leave the blade inside)?

  2. #2
    Senior Member Maladroit's Avatar
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    I thoroughly dry both the blade and razor so I feel free to fully tighten. I believe some folks dip the razor head in isopropyl (or some other alcohol) and leave the razor to dry by evaporation in a loosened condition. Either seems safe to me; what is not safe is to tighten up a wet razor. Stainless steel blades are only "stainless" to a limited degree and leaving the whole thing wet and tight is to virtually ensure corrosion will set in.
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  3. #3
    Senior Member Lince's Avatar
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    I tighten mine down. You don't want to go in one morning a little foggy and forget to tighten it before you start shaving. Whatever works best for you.

  4. #4
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    That's an important question cause there are mornings where when I wake up my head is so loose it's in danger of just falling off. A mirror and a screwdriver usually gets the job done.

    Seriously though, you tighten it snug. Don't overdo it.
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  5. #5
    Senior Member BeJay's Avatar
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    I tighten the head when I put a new blade in. I give it a good shake after I shave and let it air dry. I see no reason to loosen, disassemble or dip it in alcahol. I have done this with dozens of safety razors and never had an issue with corrosion.

  6. #6
    Senior Member str8tlkr's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BeJay View Post
    I tighten the head when I put a new blade in. I give it a good shake after I shave and let it air dry. I see no reason to loosen, disassemble or dip it in alcahol. I have done this with dozens of safety razors and never had an issue with corrosion.
    I agree. I have a Merkur 34c and a Gillette super speed. I snug it up with a new blade and leave it in for several shaves with no issues. No corrosion to date.

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