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Thread: New VS Vintage DE razors

  1. #21
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Quote Originally Posted by RedGladiator View Post
    Right now I'm determined to stay away from the SBAD. I want 1 quality brush to go with my vulfix404 mixed badger/boar which I'll keep as a travel brush.
    Where have I heard that before? Brushes are like Lays potatoe chips, bet you can't buy just one.

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  2. #22
    Senior Member RedGladiator's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BobH View Post
    Where have I heard that before? Brushes are like Lays potatoe chips, bet you can't buy just one.
    Damn it, I feared as much.
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  3. #23
    barba crescit caput nescit Phrank's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RedGladiator View Post
    Damn it, I feared as much.
    It's not that bad, I only have ten brushes now , with the last being an awesome Chubby 1 Super Badger, it's fantastic, like 3 brushes stuffed into one with lots of backbone, but then, I keep reading how nice the Thater brushes are as well......arghhhh!
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  4. #24
    Senior Member tom475's Avatar
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    The first DE I used was one I bought this spring. It was a Parker. Not glamorous but I like having the longer handle. It serves me well and I like the end result.

    This summer I went home and remembered that my dads DE was still in the medicine cabinet. I don't know when he last used it but he passed away in '82. It is as heavy as my new razor but the handle is almost an inch shorter. I was also able to get my grandfathers DE which is the same as my dads. I have no ides what make/model they are. I have only shaved with my dads razor.

    Both new and vintage give me a quality shave. I like the extra weight of my dads but I like the longer handle of my new production. I have started using my dads razor just because it is a connection with him, not because the razor is so much better.

    Play around. Try hard to stay in some kind of budget. Above all else, have fun shaving.. At the end of the day do you really need more than to have had fun???

    Happy new year everyone!
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  5. #25
    tab is offline
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    I think the vintage DE razors are built with better material than modern razors, and I can get a good shave from either.
    Modern razors seem more efficient though. I appreciate both for what they are and only own modern DE's at this time. I would be happy with any vintage razor over a cartridge razor as well...

  6. #26
    Junior Member againstthegrain's Avatar
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    I enjoy every aspect of shaving. I like being able to choose the tools I need to do this. I like the variety of razors that are available. Whether they be vintage or modern they represent a thrill just to use them. To be able to shave with a razor that someone may have used over 100 years ago is mind boggling. When I shave with a modern razor, I am thankful that someone thinks enough of shaving to continue to manufacture them. Maybe they are made just a little differently but still resemble the old tried and true ones.
    We certainly are lucky to be experiencing all this in our lifetimes!!
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  7. #27
    I used Nakayamas for my house mainaman's Avatar
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    I have Aristocrat adjustable, and a Super speed, both shave very well. However, I think my Mercur Futur and 39C are better shavers, more aggressive.
    I am thinking of getting R41 to veryfy the claim that it is the most aggressive DE out there.

  8. #28
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Quote Originally Posted by mainaman View Post
    I have Aristocrat adjustable, and a Super speed, both shave very well. However, I think my Mercur Futur and 39C are better shavers, more aggressive.
    I am thinking of getting R41 to veryfy the claim that it is the most aggressive DE out there.
    I don't know if the Muhle R41 is the most aggressive DE but it is more so than my Merkur 37c slant.

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  9. #29
    Senior Member TristanLudlow's Avatar
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    I have Mühle's R89 and R41, Merkur's HD and Slant, a Schick Krona and an Old Type Gillette with the ball end handle.

    I've spent a good amount of time with all these razors, but for my personal preference I prefer my Old Type the most, it's my daily shaver and my other razors don't see much use anymore.
    I'm even thinking about getting rid of all my razors except for the Krona and the old type and eventually adding one or two more Old Types to the collection (the model with the thinner head), granted I find some without a crack in the handle.
    I think others would get really good use out of the Mühles and Merkurs as they are outstanding shavers.

    The Krona belonged to my grandfather and the old type to my great-grandfather, so a lot of emotional value accompanies shaving with these razors.

    The Mühles and Merkurs are outstanding shavers as is the Krona, but I personally love and prefer the weight, balance and feel of the Old Type, I love the shaves.
    Last edited by TristanLudlow; 01-14-2015 at 10:35 AM.

  10. #30
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    Before I truly understood pressure, my R89 could give me irritation from time to time. My Tech, TV Special Super Speed, and Feather AS-D2 never did.

    Once my technique evolved, I found it easier to get very close and comfortable shaves with 89s and a Progress set on 3.5.

    The only DEs I still have and use are a pair of 89s (Mühle and EJ), and a NEW Long Comb. Modern wins for me in this case.

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