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Thread: Mongoose?

  1. #11
    Snicker Snack
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    I haven't used the Mongoose, but I did use the Cobra Classic a lot. The whole point of these razors is to offer a 'safety' razor that can use the Feather AC blades. For those of us here who have never used those blades: they're easily the sharpest and smoothest disposable razor blades available today (along with the similar Kai blades).

    The Cobra was an excellent shaver, but I couldn't justify the cost of the razor and blades when I usually use straights, so I sold the two I had. I've been tempted to get the Mongoose, but to make the best use of the blades, I'd have to use them about 20 times in a row, and I cannot bring myself to not use straights for that length of time.

  2. #12
    Senior Member RedGladiator's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by yohannrjm View Post
    I haven't used the Mongoose, but I did use the Cobra Classic a lot. The whole point of these razors is to offer a 'safety' razor that can use the Feather AC blades. For those of us here who have never used those blades: they're easily the sharpest and smoothest disposable razor blades available today (along with the similar Kai blades).
    There are plans to release a Minigoose that takes scheick injector blades.

    Ok had my second shave with it today. I think the handle is a little too heavy, rather than the weight doing all the work I felt like I had to resist the weight so it would apply less pressure. Audio feed back is very evident. While the head holds the blade in, it is not TIGHT, I pushed my finger nail against the topof the blade (while in the razor) and there is a little flex. It makes me want to try the slightly thicker super pro blades to reduce the flex. (I only own pro blades)
    Comparing to the other razors I own, the R89 and AS-D2 it shaves more like the R89.
    The wideness of the head means it takes a shorter amount of time to shave. While some find the wideness difficult to navigate, I had no such problems.
    The razor itself is a thing of beauty, I find myself picking it up to look at each time I'm in the bathroom.

    I'm not blown away by the shave ATM. However when I first used the AS-D2 I went from liking it, to hating it, to loving it in the space of 2 months.

  3. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by yohannrjm View Post
    I haven't used the Mongoose, but I did use the Cobra Classic a lot. The whole point of these razors is to offer a 'safety' razor that can use the Feather AC blades. For those of us here who have never used those blades: they're easily the sharpest and smoothest disposable razor blades available today (along with the similar Kai blades).

    The Cobra was an excellent shaver, but I couldn't justify the cost of the razor and blades when I usually use straights, so I sold the two I had. I've been tempted to get the Mongoose, but to make the best use of the blades, I'd have to use them about 20 times in a row, and I cannot bring myself to not use straights for that length of time.
    I owned a Cobra Classic as well and this is very similar to my experience.
    Fantastic razor, loved the blades, and sold mine to buy a new straight.
    The Cobra and the R41 are both top notch - I wouldn't feel bad if I had to use either.

  4. #14
    Snicker Snack
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    Quote Originally Posted by RedGladiator View Post
    There are plans to release a Minigoose that takes scheick injector blades.

    Ok had my second shave with it today. I think the handle is a little too heavy, rather than the weight doing all the work I felt like I had to resist the weight so it would apply less pressure. ..........

    I'm not blown away by the shave ATM. However when I first used the AS-D2 I went from liking it, to hating it, to loving it in the space of 2 months.
    I'm not sure a SS injector would be a good thing, and I'm unlikely to spend the money on one, when I have several injectors already.

    Your comment on the balance is something I've brought up several time re: SS razors and handles. People seem to just want heavy handles and razors, but like you I find that balance is more important. Having to resist weight when shaving is a waste of energy.

    Hopefully, the shaves will improve for you. From what I've read about the Mongoose, it doesn't look like an investment I'm going to make anytime soon.

    Thanks for recording your thoughts on it.

  5. #15
    Senior Member RedGladiator's Avatar
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    I haven't read any negative reviews myself. Everything I've read has been mostly favourable.

    I had my 3rd and 4th shave with te mongoose yesterday and today. The blade I was using was 7 shaves in on the feather.
    I'm going to have to play around with the shaving angle, going WTG it seems to be dragging, not sure what I'm doing wrong. XTG and ATG seem to be a lot smoother. I'm going to give this razor another 7-8 shaves with a new blade tomorrow.
    Where this thing shines for me is under the chin/jawline where I've always had trouble with other razors. The mongoose shaves incredibly close. Post shave alum block burn was up there with the best of them.
    From what I've read, others don't rate this as agressive, running my thumb across the blade it doesn't feel agresive, but shaving for me feels very agressive indeed.

    Still way too early to say if I like/dislike it.

  6. #16
    Senior Member RedGladiator's Avatar
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    6th shave in (i think). Apparently I've been holding the wrong angle all this time. Holding the handle around 40/45 degrees produces a much smoother and mild shave, zero dragging. The increased smoothness led me to use too much pressure, ended up with 5 tiny weepers, need to watch that pressure. Having said that, I managed probably my first true BBS since I started DE/shavette shaving last october, I wasn't even chasing the BBS. 3 passes WTG XTG ATG no clean up pass. Think I could maybe get there in 2, will try tomorrow.
    I'm beginning to really really like this razor, I need to see if I can adjust to the weight and avoid weepers.

  7. #17
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    Last post on this, unless there is any further questions.
    The mongoose is incredible, I went from nearly hating it and wanting to sell to loving this. The slope on the head, for me anyway sets the correct angle, as long at the slope is held flat or there about it will produce the optimal angle for the razor. Holding at this angle there is zero drag, it feels natural, smooth and efficient. The slope acts as a guide if you will. Under the jaw where I've always had trouble getting it really close, the mongoose handles with ease. It took around 8 shaves for me to really adjust to it, the weight is a minor issue and is well worth putting in the time to get used to. The weight of the handle balances the weight of the head, some like to try different handles, I think a lighter handle for me will upset the balance. For me the main issue I have with this is when I use a steeper (not sure if that is the correct term?) angle, it shaves horribly and I'm highy likely to have weepers. When I use the slope of the head and watch the pressure its pretty damn perfect and produces amazingly close shave. Pricing may be an issue with some. I paid $149USD +$23USD shipping to UK and additional £20BPS (not exact amount, I forget sorry) for custom charges.

    This will probably be my last safety razor acquisition for the forseable future. Will move back to the feather DX. My local barber said he will give me a straight, a strop and a hone next month, can't wait, exciting times lol.
    Last edited by RedGladiator; 01-28-2015 at 09:38 AM.

  8. #18
    Snicker Snack
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    I'm glad you like the Mongoose. It sometimes does take some time to properly appreciate new shaving items (especially when they're so different from other razors). The Feather AC blades are really lovely, and it is great that there are now a couple of safety razor options for using them.

  9. #19
    Senior Member blabbermouth celestino's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RedGladiator View Post
    I haven't read any negative reviews myself. Everything I've read has been mostly favourable.

    I had my 3rd and 4th shave with te mongoose yesterday and today. The blade I was using was 7 shaves in on the feather.
    I'm going to have to play around with the shaving angle, going WTG it seems to be dragging, not sure what I'm doing wrong. XTG and ATG seem to be a lot smoother. I'm going to give this razor another 7-8 shaves with a new blade tomorrow.
    Where this thing shines for me is under the chin/jawline where I've always had trouble with other razors. The mongoose shaves incredibly close. Post shave alum block burn was up there with the best of them.
    From what I've read, others don't rate this as agressive, running my thumb across the blade it doesn't feel agresive, but shaving for me feels very agressive indeed.

    Still way too early to say if I like/dislike it.

    I didn't necessarily want to post this, especially, in a straight razor forum, but I just came upon this thread. I had both the Cobra Classic and the Mongoose head and I didn't like the Mongoos at all. For me, it was way too mild compared to the Cobra Classic. I was expecting it to be much more aggressive than it was, but I just didn't like. Furthermore, the head is way too bulky. I much prefer the slimmer design of the Cobra. The good thing about the Mongoose is how well made it is and that is securely hold the blade compared to the terrible finish on the Cobra and how much play there was in the toggle!
    However, like everything, YMMV.
    Laughter, Love, & Shaving

    ~ Celestino ~

  10. #20
    Junior Member Nirai's Avatar
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    Little hard to find out where I can buy a Mongoose Razor? Help would be good

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