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  1. #1
    Junior Member herbert7890's Avatar
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    Default ATT R1, R2 vs S1, S2 (Above the Tie Razors)

    Hello gentlemen,

    I recently aquired the ATT Atlas 5 piece set, which has become the only razor brand I use now. Initially, I got the M1, M2, and R1 plates, my favorite which was the R1 by far (much closer shave, still without any irritation). I loved this brand so much that I also got an R2 plate. Now, this R2 is amazing (just as the R1) and even more, it might be even smoother for some odd reason than the R1. I get amazing BBS with both R plates (even in the first try with each razor)

    Considering how much I like the R1 and R2 plates, do any of you also have the S1 or S2 so you could compare the quality of shave to those R plates? I'm thinking of buying the Slant Combo Pack (Slant cap, S1 and S2) plut the Kronos handle for variation.

    I just can't imagine a better razor brand than Above the Tie. Quality is superb, shave quality is unmatched and customer service is top notch. I will sell all my other razors soon, as I know for a fact that I won't use them anymore.

  2. #2
    Senior Member Scareface's Avatar
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    The same way I feel about my Wolfman, except I ain't selling my other razors!
    It's a dog eat dog world and I have on milk bone underwear.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by herbert7890 View Post
    Hello gentlemen,

    I recently aquired the ATT Atlas 5 piece set, which has become the only razor brand I use now. Initially, I got the M1, M2, and R1 plates, my favorite which was the R1 by far (much closer shave, still without any irritation). I loved this brand so much that I also got an R2 plate. Now, this R2 is amazing (just as the R1) and even more, it might be even smoother for some odd reason than the R1. I get amazing BBS with both R plates (even in the first try with each razor)

    Considering how much I like the R1 and R2 plates, do any of you also have the S1 or S2 so you could compare the quality of shave to those R plates? I'm thinking of buying the Slant Combo Pack (Slant cap, S1 and S2) plut the Kronos handle for variation.

    I just can't imagine a better razor brand than Above the Tie. Quality is superb, shave quality is unmatched and customer service is top notch. I will sell all my other razors soon, as I know for a fact that I won't use them anymore.
    Hi, I've had the R2, H2 and S2 slants all with Atlas handles. I would say that of course the H2 is most aggressive, but that the S2 slant is real close. If I had to keep just one it would be the Slant Open Comb S2 I think. The Atlas would stay also, my preference is for about a 3 inch handle, the longer ones don't make me socks go up and down. I've tried a mess of razors, including all the vintage Gillette types (Fatboy is my favorite) and most of the modern end alls save the Wolfman (in line for one). The ATT are uniformly of the highest quality so far ..

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