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Thread: getting cut in the same spot

  1. #1
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    Default getting cut in the same spot

    Just curious, I've got about 5 shaves down with my feather ss, and I've noticed that I get a small cut on my lower lip near my chin in the exact same spot every time. I don't have a mole there, and I don't recall any raised skin in that spot either. Just wondering has anyone also experienced this? Perhaps it is just poor technique, but it seems odd that it is the same EXACT spot every time.

  2. #2
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    You must be reopening the cut when you shave. Try avoiding that area for a few days to let it heal.

  3. #3
    Member OldSalt's Avatar
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    Yep, sounds like you're opening the cut every time again. I apply cream as usual and tap my finger on the spot to make it visible. Then shave around it. Sometimes it helps just to avoid the direction in which the cut occured to get clean but not bloody again.

    If not, it shouldn't happen if you pull the skin tight.

  4. #4
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    It's a facility issue. It is very common when you shave with a straight and there is an incident it will reoccur in the same exact place time and time again. it's a sign that at that very spot you are doing something wrong. Maybe angle or pressure or stroke or a issue with the skin needing something different. When you get to that spot pay special attention to what you are doing and how you are doing it. I'll bet it doesn't happen again if you do that.
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  5. #5
    Senior Member jnats's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by relli1130 View Post
    Just curious, I've got about 5 shaves down with my feather ss, and I've noticed that I get a small cut on my lower lip near my chin in the exact same spot every time. I don't have a mole there, and I don't recall any raised skin in that spot either. Just wondering has anyone also experienced this? Perhaps it is just poor technique, but it seems odd that it is the same EXACT spot every time.
    My door used to rub the jamb in the same spot. I secured the jamb and snugged up the hinges to door and jamb and made sure they were properly recessed. It's an old victorian. Still rubbed a little in that one spot and the finish would get nicked. So I planed that one spot down. Now no spots get nicked.

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