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Thread: Rockwell

  1. #1
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    Default Rockwell

    Anyone else notice this one yet?

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  3. #2
    Senior Member Bonbon's Avatar
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    Can't say that I will by it but will be interesting to read review after it will enter the market
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  4. #3
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Interesting idea to have some adjustability built into the design. Appears to my inexperienced eye to be mainly cast with very little if any machining and polishing of parts. That could account for the piece point compared to other all stainless steel DEs. In the end it is the shave that counts though.

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  5. #4
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    The handle and stand look like an exact copy of the Feather DS-2 just poorer finishing.
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  6. #5
    I used Nakayamas for my house mainaman's Avatar
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    Those have been around for a while (from what I gathered on FB) , their first production run had issues with alignment and they had lots of unhappy customers. They redesigned or fixed their issues and now people say the razor works as it is supposed to. Not very talked about on FB, I suspect because of the previous issues people are not in a hurry to buy it. I have seen some reviews of the redesigned version and they were positive.

  7. #6
    Senior Member blabbermouth 10Pups's Avatar
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    I just got a brand new Gillette Tech in the box with blades in a lot with a DD brush (which is what I wanted) for less than half that. Just saying because I am not a DE guy. I do have the same razor I use from time to time with Duck blades I got even cheaper :<0) Can't fault a guy for jumping into a market that is growing but I wonder if he is making them or where they are actually coming from. Appears they are making them in the US somewhere but.....
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  8. #7
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Quote Originally Posted by 10Pups View Post
    I just got a brand new Gillette Tech in the box with blades in a lot with a DD brush (which is what I wanted) for less than half that. Just saying because I am not a DE guy. I do have the same razor I use from time to time with Duck blades I got even cheaper :<0) Can't fault a guy for jumping into a market that is growing but I wonder if he is making them or where they are actually coming from. Appears they are making them in the US somewhere but.....
    Yea, if you just want a DE for shaving there are plenty of good vintage ones out there relatively cheap but no vintage stainless steel DEs/SEs as far as I know. If you want stainless then you are stuck with new DEs/SEs and none are inexpensive. The Rockwell 6S seems to offer a low entry point in that field with the ability to adjust the blade gap "if" it works as advertised.

    I would not sell the adjustability feature short because I do not get a long lasting shave from a mild DE and like a larger blade gap than most likely do. Not all DEs are created equal.

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  9. #8
    Senior Member BeJay's Avatar
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    I've seen these when they were trying to raise money to start production. Stainless seems to be getting pretty popular in the safety razor market. It's kind of funny to read the comments about pot metal razors on some of the other forums. Some talk about them like they are absolute garbage. Looks like the marketing is working. I personally don't see much advantage to using a steel head for this design. If I wanted a razor with three base plates, I'd prefer one with three chrome plated zinc base plates for half the price.

  10. #9
    Senior Member blabbermouth edhewitt's Avatar
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    It seems bit cumbersome compared to one or two piece adjustable, unless you are going to only use one size, in which case the adjustability is moot.
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  11. #10
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    I've read of the issues that have occurred with their first batch, and just checking their website seems like they are presently taking "pre-orders" until March.

    Interesting design, and the price point is less than some other SS razors. I'm not sure of the utility of the multiple baseplates being included with every sale. Most figure out what they want/like and don't fiddle around too much thereafter, making the two other extra hunks of steel a waste. Other SS razors, albeit more expensive ones, say like AT&T, (where there are available Mild, regular, and Heavy models), or Wolfman (he mills your razor to spec of aggression) provide for a choice without extra baggage.

    If you want a bargain SS there's always those available from Maggard's ..

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