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Thread: First Vintage razor shave

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Default First Vintage razor shave

    So today I shaved with my first Vintage DE, a C1 flair tip Gillette. I normally shave with a straight but I bought this at an antique store and cleaned it up, and it came out quite clean and shiny. It was part project (can't wait until the weather is better to tinker with my car) and part teaching my children about what a little elbow grease can accomplish. I broke out the fat and lathered. Good shave, not as close as my straights but super smooth feeling while shaving. My question is does anyone have suggestions on vintage DE razors to get a closer shave with and what I should expect to pay, don't what to pay too much.

  2. #2
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    You could get a vintage Gillette adjustable, Fatboy or Slim, and start at a #3 setting and slowly work up the scale from there. The higher the number the greater the blade gap the closer the shave. I think a lot of people do not go past 6 but a few do shave with it at 9. It really depends if you have sensitive skin and how good your DE shaving technique and lather is. I'd look for them at yard sales and flea markets especially for the Fatboy as it seems to be a cult DE. An adjustable is a DE you can grow with and very few complain that at the 9 setting it is not aggressive enough.

    Another alternative is to get a sample pack of DE blades and try different ones. Some may work better in your Flair Tip than others.

    Life is a terminal illness in the end

  3. #3
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    +1 on the Gillette adjustable models. If you want a close shave from a safety razor, I would also suggest a SE--the GEM 1912 model gives close shaves; acceptable GEM Personna blades are available at most Walgreens (and many use Ted Pella blades they order from the net); and you can get them for 20 bucks on the bay.
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  4. #4
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Yes, something like Gem 1912 SE would give a very close shave. Unfortunately you won't be able to walk into a store in Canada and find any. That is no problem as you can get them off the net. The best blades I have tried in SEs are that Personna Gem stainless steel PFTE coated blades. Smooth and long lasting.

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    Life is a terminal illness in the end

  5. #5
    Irrelevant stimpy52's Avatar
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    Always been pleased with Gillette "Old Style" open comb. Plentiful, generally inexpensive, nearly indestructible. Nice and close besides.
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  6. #6
    Senior Member blabbermouth markbignosekelly's Avatar
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    As Bob mentioned try a sample pack of DE blades as they are not all created equal.
    Feather are generally accepted as the sharpest DE blades going. I really like them but my favorite is Astra superior platinum: sharp and smooth.
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  7. #7
    Senior Member SRNewb's Avatar
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    Gillette Old Type, with a heavy stainless steel aftermarket handle. Pop a Feather, Gillette 7 Black, or Polsiver SI in it and enjoy.

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