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  1. #1
    < Banned User >
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    Default observation on this razor, do you have this?

    Hello all.
    This thread is in no way meant to bash, slam or send out any negative vibes to the below brand, I would just like to know from some other users who have bought these products.
    I really like iKon, Greg and team are great people. I have a shavecraft short comb, the El Jefe, the B1: oss, open comb AND tech base plate... however I am on my third top cap.

    The first one had an issue where the blade has a bunch of wobble and wavering once you tighten down the head... the top cap was not very true across. The company gladly sent me a replacement top cap, however the replacement was a little better but same issue...
    I kinda just lived with it, but decided to buy the OSS head with top cap from a different online store... I asked them to check this for me and however, it somehow passed them by. This is the third top cap, while a tad better, still have the same issue.

    My shavecraft (grey) head does not have this issue at all, just my 3 B1 series heads. Is this JUST how they are? What do your heads look like? here is a pic of what i'm talking about.

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    if you can't tell what i'm trying to say, when you look across the blade that is exposed, you can see the blade has big peaks and valleys. It is the equivalent to shaving with a badly warped straight razor. Does any of your B1 heads look like this? I would love to know. Thanks!5

  2. #2
    Senior Member dinnermint's Avatar
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    Not really similar, but I had that issue with a size issue in a shavette.

    I switched to feathers and they fit perfectly, most other blades would curve worse than yours.

  3. #3
    < Banned User >
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    Thanks a bunch. I've tried many different blades. WHere the blade contacts the ends of the top cap, the cap is not straight which seems to cause the issue. I hope someone with this brand will let me know!

  4. #4
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    I don't have one. If it was me I'd ask to send the whole thing back. Let them mate a top cap to it that is fitting as it should. If that cannot be done I'd opt for a substitute (different model ) or a refund. IMHO.
    Be careful how you treat people on your way up, you may meet them again on your way back down.

  5. #5
    < Banned User >
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    I hear ya, They offered a refund on one of them, but I have 3 heads... plus shavecraft stuff. I sent them an email today to see if they could select a proper top cap for me... I only need one for my three base plates. I love these heads, I just want them to be right ya know?

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