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Thread: Just How Clean?

  1. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by wvuhillbilly View Post
    I just disassemble my three piece,rinse off the blade and leave it to dry on a square of TP,rinse and wipe down the razor parts with a microfiber cloth then reassemble and store.
    I cannot leave a blade out to dry. I have a cat who loves heights. She can get on top of shelves, cabinets, etc. She can open cabinet doors if they are not latches. Thus, the only safe place to leave a sharp blade would be in a locked cabinet. That is not conducive for drying.

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  3. #12
    Senior Member blabbermouth Hirlau's Avatar
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    I do the same thing as Obie. Three shaves, remove blade for a fresh one,, dish soap & toothbrush the razor. If I am going to another DE in the rotation, then Scrubbing Bubbles on the DE after the scrubbing with the dish soap,,, two days to dry & back into the collection.

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  5. #13
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    I just loosen mine and rinse thoroughly and let it air dry. Every month I clean with soap and water and polish with stainless polish. I don't remove the blades and don't have rust issues even though with the Mongoose I'll get 5 or 6 shaves out of a blade.
    No matter how many men you kill you can't kill your successor-Emperor Nero

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  7. #14
    Senior Member kelbro's Avatar
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    Wow. You guys are making me feel like a slob. I seldom use my Slim but when I do, I rinse it well under hot water, take the blade out and wipe all four bevels on my towel, put it back in the razor and slightly close the doors so the blade doesn't fall out. Only need to brush it off once per year at most. Perhaps the difference is that I use Pinaud shave cream when I use my DE. It's very 'fluffy' and doesn't stick to the razor like better soaps tend to do. Also, it's very dry here. I can take a shower, hang the towel on the shower curtain rod and it will be dry before I finish getting ready for work.
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  9. #15
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    After using any of my DEs and SEs, I take the blade out, give both the razor and blade a good rinse, pat dry the blade and wipe down the razor with a towel, reassemble and then put away with the cap open or loose.

    I've heard on some forums where people frown upon this practice. However, I've yet to have an issue with it and my razors always look shiny and clean. I see I'm in good company here!
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    Obie (03-04-2017)

  11. #16
    Senior Member blabbermouth Thug's Avatar
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    After using my DE's, I store the blade back in its paper and dry the insides of the razor (Fatboy & Slim) and then store in a cigar box with a desiccant satchet.

    With my straights, I dry with a towel, 20-30 laps on my strop and then leave on top of my storage box (cigar box) until I get home from work in the evening. It then gets put away in the cigar box which has a large desiccant satchet.

    So far so good and no razor or blade issues.

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  13. #17
    cau is offline
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    Good thing I live in a desert. My wife would have a fit if I left anything out, even for an hour. I only use the DE when I travel, usually once a year. Straights at home. Quick cold water rinse, wipe blade with towel, then with tissue, dozen or so laps on linen and leather, then into the razor burka and the drawer. I suppose if I moved to a damp climate I'd be screwed. Probably have to buy an electric, or worse, regrow the beard. Best to stay out of trouble and stay put...

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  15. #18
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    I don't remove the blade unless it needs to be changed. After shaving I rinse the DE under hot water, and dry it with a towel. Any leftover soap residue gets cleaned when the blade is finished, at which time I will disassemble the razor and scrub it.
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    Obie (03-10-2017)

  17. #19
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    I keep my straights clean and dry after every shave. For my de I just rinse it thoroughly, remove the blade and make sure all parts are dry before putting it away. I rarely use my de though.

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    Obie (03-10-2017)

  19. #20
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    Compared to most of you my DE are downright filthy. I shave, rinse, put up, and leave the blade in for far longer than I should. I live in Hawaii and the humidity is horrible but I have never had a problem with my razor. Granted I don't have nice expensive DE razors. My straights I treat much better, but for me my DE is a utilitarian means to an end. I now feel bad for not giving it more attention. I should probably wax the truck tomorrow too! Thanks for guilting me into more chores!

  20. The Following User Says Thank You to blsmith For This Useful Post:

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