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Thread: Gillette Adjustable DE Safety Razors - A Complete Photo

  1. #1
    Junior Member GlennConti's Avatar
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    Default Gillette Adjustable DE Safety Razors - A Complete Photo

    Name:  GA-Family-Titled-B.jpg
Views: 1089
Size:  86.2 KB

    1) Gold 1-5 Position Serial Toggle
    2) Nickel 1-5 Position Serial Toggle
    3) Gold 1-9 Position "Chrome" Toggle
    4) Nickel 1-9 Position "Chrome" Toggle
    5) Gold 1-9 Position Standard Toggle
    6) Black 1-5 Position Bottom Dial
    7) Nickel 1-5 Position Bottom Dial
    8) Nickel 1-9 Position Bottom Dial (Aftermarket Replated 24K Gold)
    9) Nickel 1-9 Position Red Dot Fatboy
    10) Nickel 1-9 Position Standard Fatboy
    11) Gold 1-9 Position Executive Fatboy
    12) Nickel 1-9 Position Standard Slim
    13) Gold 1-9 Position Aristocrat Slim
    14) Gold 1-9 Position Super Adjustable
    15) Nickel 1-9 Position Super-84
    16) Nickel 1-9 Position Super-109
    17) Nickel 1-9 Position Super Adjustable - Black Base Plate - Vertical Knurling
    18) Nickel 1-9 Position Super Adjustable - Black Base Plate - Diamond Knurling

    Just thought I would pass it along... Thanks.


  2. #2
    Junior Member GlennConti's Avatar
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    Oh I don't know if I can post a link. Delete this reply if I can't Mods. But you can see a higher resolution/bigger photo on my collection website at A Complete Reference: Vintage Gillette Adjustable Safety Razors

    I don't sell anything - it is an information site only.

    Thanks again

    JimmyHAD, Geezer, LouG and 4 others like this.

  3. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to GlennConti For This Useful Post:

    Addison (03-10-2017), BobH (03-10-2017)

  4. #3
    Truth is weirder than any fiction.. Grazor's Avatar
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    Some rare razors in there. Nice.

    Sent from a moto x far far away...
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  5. The Following User Says Thank You to Grazor For This Useful Post:

    GlennConti (03-10-2017)

  6. #4
    Skeptical Member Gasman's Avatar
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    Never managed to get my hands on a Toggle. Still got my Birthyear and quarter DE's and one as close as I could find for my DAD and Grand-dad's birth years.
    It's just Sharpening, right?

  7. #5
    Moderator rolodave's Avatar
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    That is a tremendous site.

    Well done!
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  8. #6
    Junior Member GlennConti's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rolodave View Post
    That is a tremendous site.

    Well done!
    Thank you very much Sir!

  9. #7
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    When I started to shave I used my Grandfather's straight. My Dad, bless his soul, was so concerned about me cutting my throat, bought me a Gillette short handle adjustable and a can of Old Spice Lime canned goo. It was a good razor but I was already used to a straight so I gave it to my sister for her legs. Years later I had regrets about giving it away and with post 911 baggage checks at the airports I bought another exactly like it for five bucks at a flea market. Good razor and I still use it for travel.
    rolodave and GlennConti like this.

  10. #8
    Predictably Unpredictiable Mvcrash's Avatar
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    Love my Fatboy, same year and quarter of my birth. Use it most days to trim the beard and always travel with it. I had a really nice NOS 1959 1st quarter Fatboy which I gave to a close friend for his birthday.
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  11. #9
    Junior Member GlennConti's Avatar
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    Well here are more of my thoughts on the Gillette Adjustables:

    1) Do they work for everybody? They were meant to be a one size fits all solution. Sometimes the range of adustablity doesn't work for some people. But it does work for many many.
    2) Great first razor! Some people find them complicated, but you don't need to buy 9 different razors to find something that works. The more experienced shaver, can have a period of RAD and 9 razors is nothing to buy. Can you find a non-adjustable the is less complicated and perfect for you? Yes, but how many non-adjustables do you have to buy? How many did I have to buy to find the right non-adjustable? I'm embarrassed to say, but I have a ton-o-razors shaver grade that is. Adjustables can eliminate the need for RAD - ha ha!
    3) You can do a dial down or dial up shave. For example first pass more aggressive and subsequent passes less aggressive. Personally I am a dial down guy WTG - 7, XTG - 6, ATG - 5: But that's me. I would have to have three different razors to do that same shave. My go to non-adjustable is a Wolfman Dual Comb. The open comb side is more aggressive and I finish with the solid bar side. And I don't have to think either...
    4) They are a mechanical work of art. Other razors are no where near as complicated. They are difficult to manufacture and counterfeit. All this makes them the very very best razor to collect. The pinnacle of automated razor making craft.
    5) Adjustables are just cool!
    rolodave likes this.

  12. #10
    Senior Member blabbermouth RezDog's Avatar
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    That is an impressive bunch. I am not a safety razor kind of guy but that made me say WOW.
    GlennConti likes this.
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