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Thread: New to adjustable DE but Straight experience question

  1. #1
    Traveling east..... RMC_SS_LDO's Avatar
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    Default New to adjustable DE but Straight experience question

    Have an odd question based on years of straight experience but vexed by a DE.

    Just picked up a Merkur 700 Futur DE and various blades. Noted a bit of razor burn on the neck which was the primary reason for ditching cartridges for a straight.

    Assuming the irritation is due to poor technique and excess pressure at this point but have something if a counter-intuitive question.

    The Merkur is an adjustable from rookie to insanity. I am at about a 2 for now and noted a little audible feedback while shaving. I have to say one of the odd parts of a DE versus a straight is the feedback. A straight tells me audibly how the shave is going and where to adjust.

    Am I going over conservative on the adjustable setting? Asking after reflection since I am curious if I may want to go more aggressive (5-6) since I’m used to the feedback from a straight instead of dialing the Futur back to a 1 or so.


  2. #2
    32t is offline
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    I would leave it at a 2 and try to change the angle to experiment with the feedback.

    I personally have trouble more with a DE or Rolls Razor because my hand/wrist angle is different and relying on the muscle memory of a straight doesn't work.
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    Senior Member RollinCoal69's Avatar
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    I don’t own a futur, however I do own and use Gillette Fatboy and slim regularly. With the adjustment settings on mine I normally will run around a 7 for a normal shave. If I want aggressive I will crank it to 9 for ATG pass but with no pressure! I think the issue you’re having is multiple problems. Likely technique, low setting and thin lather. My personal experience is I need a thicker layer of lather with DE than I do with straights. Hope this helps.
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  5. #4
    Truth is weirder than any fiction.. Grazor's Avatar
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    The futur is quite aggressive, 2 is a good start point.
    When you get a few shaves in try 3 or 4 on second or third pass.
    Nice razors.

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  6. #5
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    With DEs, like straight razors, it is all in the angle and pressure. I do not have a Futur but a Gillette Fat Boy and could never shave at the 9 setting until I learned to shave well with a straight razor. I am thinking the straight razor taught me the importance of angle and pressure. You probably just have to experiment a bit with angle and pressure to find the sweet spot.

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    Traveling east..... RMC_SS_LDO's Avatar
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    So did shift the “wrong” direction with the Futur- went a tad more aggressive from 1.5 to 3.

    That along with being more aware of using a lighter touch and had the best shave so far this AM. With a bit more blade exposed, I seemed to have better feel and feedback. No as good as a fresh straight but darn fine and much quicker.

    Started this DE experiment as a more convenient way to travel but this may become my daily option...

  9. #7
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RMC_SS_LDO View Post
    So did shift the “wrong” direction with the Futur- went a tad more aggressive from 1.5 to 3.

    That along with being more aware of using a lighter touch and had the best shave so far this AM. With a bit more blade exposed, I seemed to have better feel and feedback. No as good as a fresh straight but darn fine and much quicker.

    Started this DE experiment as a more convenient way to travel but this may become my daily option...
    If you find the right combo of DE and blade you can get a shave so close in quality to a straight razor it can make you question using a straight at all IF shave quality is the main factor in shaving for you.
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    Senior Member Porl's Avatar
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    Glad that things are improving. It is a different technique, but there are many common things.

    Good luck.
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    I keep my Fatboy on a three. It took me a while to get the proper angle down but once I figured it out it’s great. I think most people who have an adjustable DE find the setting they like and usually leave it there.
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  12. #10
    Traveling east..... RMC_SS_LDO's Avatar
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    Will take a bit more practice but have settled in for now. Quick shave this AM before getting on the road and great results! Quicker than a straight, close and no irritation with a travel brush and some Proraso red...

    Like the adjustable option but agree that I could see setting it and leaving for some time. For now, about a 3+ seems to be about right for me with Astra blades but have a sampler pack on the way. Once I get a better feel for the technique, I could see opening up even more to a 4-5 on the Futur simply because I like the feel and feedback.

    Appreciate the suggestions and tips from all- the DE is a new and interesting change of pace!


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