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Thread: Gillette Heated Razor prototype review

  1. #1
    Senior Member Butzy's Avatar
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    Default Gillette Heated Razor prototype review

    I haven't posted in some time, got a new job and life got busy. But I wanted to share something I got recently that is worth taking a look at even though it's not a single edged razor.
    For many of us, we travel, and that often means having to use a cartridge razor if you don't want to go through the hassle of checking your blade(s) and potentially losing it. So typically I travel with a gillette fusion 5-blade razor just because my mum got me one when i was 18 and it still works (typical Gillette, right?)
    However, last year I ran across a Gillette project that they were doing to create a "heated" cartridge razor and I was intrigued. So I signed up to get one and some extra cartridges when they were taking orders (they didn't take many). Well, I got mine and shaved with it for the first time today and I have to say I was impressed. They were asking for feedback so I tried to shave as a normal person does with some hot water and shaving cream. I used Cremo because, well, it's cremo and always provides a nice quick shave if you aren't wanting to use a brush. Then I turned the razor on and shaved with it and it was very pleasant! the warming bar at the bottom of the razor face really did a good job of providing heat that made it feel like a hot lather shave almost. I try not to compare to traditional shaving because it's apples and oranges, but the experience made me look at cartridge razors in a whole new light! The blades were great and left no stray hairs or irritation and I think the heat from the razor actually prepped the hairs or skin so that the shave was very close and remained hydrated. Basically everything you get from a traditional shave, but within 5 seconds of walking into your bathroom.
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    Now, I know I'm probably going to catch some flack for saying I use/used a cartridge razor and enjoyed it but if you're like me and have to use one now and then (or weekly like me), then definitely do some looking around down the road to find yourself one of these! They are still in prototype stage but I am sure they'll bring them to market based on the experience I had.
    One other thing of note is that Gillette's team doing the work and their customer service has been absolutely exceptional in every way. It's crazy to think that a company that brought us the fatboy and ol' red can still produce such quality products today with great customer service but they sure do. I've been a gillette fan ever since getting my first razor, and especially since collecting their vintage safety razors - this experience has been no different. So impressed that I thought I needed to share with you all! Hope you found this at least a little insightful if you're one of the ones that has to use cartridges from time to time (or all the time!)

    One man's opinion...

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    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Thanks for the update.

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  4. #3
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    You be a brave man bringing that contraption to this site. The thought of any Gillette Cart Razor (except the old vintage DE's) is like waiving a red flag at a bull in these parts.

    However thanks for your review. You never know, someone may stumble on it and decide to try it.
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    Quote Originally Posted by thebigspendur View Post
    You be a brave man bringing that contraption to this site.
    Oh trust me, I am aware. I just felt I should because the shave itself is reminiscent of a traditional shave.
    It was really a post for those who (like me) have to use the carts from time to time and still haven't found a good option.

    I am, however, surprised that I haven't been tarred and feathered or stoned yet.
    One man's opinion...

  6. #5
    Senior Member blabbermouth markbignosekelly's Avatar
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    In 200 years time there'll be forums dedicated to those and will go for fortune.
    Good investment.

  7. #6
    Senior Member blabbermouth Speedster's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Butzy View Post
    Oh trust me, I am aware. I just felt I should because the shave itself is reminiscent of a traditional shave.
    It was really a post for those who (like me) have to use the carts from time to time and still haven't found a good option.

    I am, however, surprised that I haven't been tarred and feathered or stoned yet.
    I wouldn't rule out being tarred and feathered yet, but the ancient as well as modern forms of getting stoned could bring serious charges in MO. Keep a moderate alert level to be safe.

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  8. #7
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    This particular razor was a subject of a lot of convos some time back. Glad to see someone followed up with an opinion. Fair review but still not for me I think.
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  9. #8
    JP5 is offline
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    Hey Butzy! Wondered what happened to you. Glad to hear you're doing well. Interesting razor.
    Quote Originally Posted by markbignosekelly View Post
    In 200 years time there'll be forums dedicated to those and will go for fortune.
    Good investment.
    Along with the Mach 3 Power vibrating razor.
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  10. #9
    Senior Member Butzy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JP5 View Post
    Hey Butzy! Wondered what happened to you. Glad to hear you're doing well. Interesting razor.
    Yeah, I'm still around - albeit a lot less frequently than before I had this new job and a youngster running around!
    Glad to see you're still active as well. Hope all is well in your parts. Same email if you ever want to connect or are looking for any more of those hard to find rocks
    One man's opinion...

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