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Thread: Feathers are weird

  1. #1
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    Default Feathers are weird

    I just got my first package of feather blades. I just got a gift card to Maggards, so I figured I could spend the extra buck for a pack of Feathers. I got the ones in the yellow box. I have used them several times with different soaps and creams,different brushes, and in both of my DE. It’s the same thing every time. The first shave is amazing, like a samurai sword. But the 2nd time is awful. Like if I didn’t know better I would think it’s a different brand. Like shaving with a butter knife. Has anybody else noticed that? I have had cheep blades from Russia that I have used for a month. The last shave was just as good as the first. I can totally put up with the Feathers for that first shave, it’s that good. It just seams strange how much they change.

  2. #2
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    “The light that burns twice as bright burns half as long”

    I find their lifespan short but not as short or as bad as you describe.
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  3. #3
    Senior Member blabbermouth tintin's Avatar
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    I never had that problem. They always last me about a week before they start tugging.
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  4. #4
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    I've used Feather DE's for a decade or so - I've always found them sharp, consistent and relatively long lived on my coarse beard. I have tried lots of the other usual suspects, and other than vintage Plus Platinums or 74's find Feathers to be top notch. I don't consciously count shaves, but they seem to give at least multiple shaves before starting to tug.

    I do hand strop and rinse in alcohol after each shave,

  5. #5
    Senior Member TristanLudlow's Avatar
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    It might not per se be the blades, but the aftermath on your skin of the blade.

    i.e. I've had the same SR edge that shaved like a dream one day, but felt horrible the next day, then that very same edge felt awesome a couple days later; turned out it was my skin that gave the sensation that the blade felt 'bad' and not the blade itself

    Seeing how Feathers are known for their sharpness / aggressiveness it could be that your skin is a bit more damaged ergo giving a harsher feeling shave

    It could also be the blade itself, maybe try stropping it a bit
    Last edited by TristanLudlow; 07-01-2019 at 12:19 PM.
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  6. #6
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    I have a very coarse beard and very sensitive skin. My experience with Feather blades is similar to yours. They are extremely sharp on the first shave. The second shave is not quite as good. I cannot even make it through the third shave before they become so harsh on my face that I have to change blades.

    Those whose beard is not as tough as mine, or whose skin is not as sensitive as mine could get more shaves from each blade.
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  7. #7
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    I rarely use DEs anymore, but when they were my primary shavers I found almost the opposite happen for me. The first shave would feel harsh, but the second would be better, and then I could usually get about 5 more excellent shaves out of them if I hand strop first. But even with the harsh first shave, I found that they were by far the most efficient blade that I had tried, out of about a half dozen.

    I also put myself in the category of having a coarse beard and sensitive skin.

  8. #8
    Senior Member jfk742's Avatar
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    I’ve had better luck with Personna med preps. Almost as sharp but much nicer on my skin, last about the same as the feathers, 4ish shaves.

  9. #9
    Senior Member blabbermouth evnpar's Avatar
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    Everyone's beard is different and it's important to find the blade that works best for you. I used a DE for over 50 years before I started using straights, and Feathers outperformed any other blade. I do have a light beard, and prefer a milder DE with a very sharp blade, and could get about five days out of a Feather. I now use straights 95% of the time, but use an SE when rushed in the morning or for travel, and I can get 7 - 8 shaves out of the feather SE blades. Everything in shaving has to do with personal preference, whether it's a blade, brush, soap or any other item. (Some people even like Arko and Lilac Vegetal. )
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  10. #10
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Feathers are my go to blade.

    I have a tough beard and I can get 3 great shaves from each blade. I wouldn't push any more.

    If you only get one shave something is wrong there.
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