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Thread: Review of the Fine SS New LC Homage DE Safety Razor

  1. #1
    Senior Member Jgreenepa's Avatar
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    Default Review of the Fine SS New LC Homage DE Safety Razor

    Review of the Fine Accoutrements SS New LC Homage Safety Razor

    Yesterday I received the new SS Safety Razor from Fine Accoutrements. It arrived in a plain padded paper mailer with each of the three parts of the razor in its own plastic bag.
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    Initially, I was surprised by the basic nature of the packaging, but upon closer examination I noticed the fine Guilloche knurling on the handle along with the polish and evident quality of the build.
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    Since it was touted as mimicking the head geometry of the Gillette New LC, one of my favorite shaving safety razors, I looked for an open comb baseplate and instead found a safety bar baseplate reminiscent of the Muhle R41’s. Notice I said reminiscent, but with more distinctly rectangular lather channels that when viewed from the blade edge perspective did indeed bring to mind an open comb.
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    According to information later provided on the DFS forum, Todd, the owner of Fine Accoutrements explained that the packaging simplicity was all about attempting to control costs, while offering a SS razor designed to compete with SS razors from competing modern artisan safety razor providers, most of whose offerings are well north of $200 with some rare exceptions. As an admitted fanboy of Fine’s Marvel Safety Razor, I was eager to try this new offering. This new razor weighs in at 97.2 grams, and has a comfortable heft in hand.

    The guilloche knurling is remarkable, and much finer than that found on the Christopher Bradley razor handle from Karve Shaving. It almost seems to latch on to one’s fingers, providing an extremely secure, non-slip grip.

    For this shave I selected the last blade from a tuck of Sharp Stars of which only 4 five blade tucks remain. These blades are quite sharp, but also unbelievably smooth shaving. Loading the blade was uneventful. It seated evenly with precision. Other parts of the shave included Mitchell’s Wool Fat shaving soap, the PAA Rabid Banana Preshave Cube, and my Viking Silvertip Badger Brush.

    Prior to my shower, I bloomed the MWF and soaked my shave brush in warm water. I began the shave with the usual cold water rinse and then scrubbed both mug and dome with the Rabid Banana Preshave Cube. The MWF delivered its usual yogurty, shiny and slick lather which was then applied to both face and head. I turned up my hearing aids and was rewarded with that delightful ‘buttering toast’ refrain as the Fine razor tore through the 24 hours of shave stubble in that first WTG pass. The second XTG pass continued the whisker reduction process to such an extent that I could have easily quit With a very respectable DFS++.

    However, my friends at TSD who know me, know that I just can’t help but chase the baby! So, after lathering up for the third and final ATG pass I had at it and put the baby to bed. I feel refreshed, cool, clean and unbelievably velveteen! In summary this razor shaved every bit as well as my modern artisan offerings. It felt well-balanced in hand, and easily held its own and even out shaved some of my other SS modern artisan offerings $50 to $100 or more. I like this new razor and would recommend it unhesitatingly to anyone who asked. It’s well-engineered and easily lives up to the “Worlds Finest” assertion printed at the base of the handle.
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    RAZOR: Fine Accoutrements SS New LC Homage Razor
    BLADE: Sharp Star (1)
    PREP: Cold water rinse followed by a scrub with Rabid Banana Preshave Cube
    BRUSH: Viking Silvertip Badger
    SOAP: Mitchell’s Wool Fat w/ 6 drops of M-Bomb
    POSTSHAVE: Cold water wash with brush squeezings followed by Humphreys Lilac WH and Osage Rub. Finished with Cremo Cooling Post Shave Balm.
    De Gustibus Non Disputandum (My version of YMMV )

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  3. #2
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    The bottom line fact we want to know is, compared to a straight shave how close is it?
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  4. #3
    Senior Member Jgreenepa's Avatar
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    I go to a barber for a treat about every 2 - 3 Months for a straight razor shave of both face and head. I do it for a break and because I like the hot towel treatment etc. His shaves all pass the cotton ball test, but so do mine with a safety razor. I’ve collected over the years 17 Specific modern and vintage safety razors (both DE and SE)I’ve been shaving with DE and SE safety razor since the mid 60s(I’m no kid) , and can achieve BBS level shaves with all of them. I’m adding this razor to the collection. I also own 6 straights, which I’m learning to shave with. That’s why I joined this great forum.

    I’m a strong believer in the saying “technique trumps tools)! It’s all about angle, pressure and the flatness of the shave surface. So my response is I can achieve every bit as good ashave with one of my selected safety razors of which this Fine razor is now one. My straight shaving skills are in process. I have Parkinson’s, so I’m going a little slower than some.
    Last edited by Jgreenepa; 07-21-2020 at 09:17 PM.

  5. #4
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    You will find, as your straight skills improve so will your shave quality. I've been using a straight for around 25 years and though some De's/Se's come close none equal a straight. I have quite a collection of DEs both vintage and modern and the first and only (for me of course) to meet a straight in shave quality was the Janus razor.

    The final arbiter isn't how your face feels after the shave it's how does your face feel 24 hours later.
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  6. #5
    Senior Member Jgreenepa's Avatar
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    If you're talking about 24 hours later, I can only respectfully say that my face feels no different after a BBS safety razor shave than after a visit to my barber for a straight shave by an expert. In this business we always say, YMMV.
    De Gustibus Non Disputandum (My version of YMMV )

  7. #6
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jgreenepa View Post
    If you're talking about 24 hours later, I can only respectfully say that my face feels no different after a BBS safety razor shave than after a visit to my barber for a straight shave by an expert. In this business we always say, YMMV.
    Hmm, something wrong with that picture.

    I of course know nothing about your barber but respectfully speaking my guess is your "expert" shave isn't as expert as you think.

    We have a forum for barber shave experiences and most leave much to be desired.

    If you queried members about this issue I doubt you will find many who have your experience vis a vis a De vs straight shave.
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    Senior Member Jgreenepa's Avatar
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    I would also doubt that many of them have been shaving with a safety razor (never used carts) for well over 50 years. I don't doubt you believe what you say, but I'm a retired data scientist, and will believe it when I experience it.
    De Gustibus Non Disputandum (My version of YMMV )

  9. #8
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Har har, this is like going to an electric shaver site and saying a De gives a much better shave and they will say similar. An electric is better.

    It's a given around here like a Geometry problem solution that a De is just inferior to a straight.

    But don't believe me. Go to the shaving with a straight forum and start a survey and see the results for yourself.

    I used many a De and Se for years before I used a straight and still use them along with a straight and though the newer crop of De's have gotten better it was only when I got the Janus Razor that I think it is the equal of a straight. But that's the first and only to me.
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  10. #9
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    I'll add some caveats to what I am about to say. I have not been shaving with straight razors for as long as I have been with DEs and I am a self taught honer so my edges may not be the sharpest. That said, I do have a few DEs/SEs that will give my straight razor shaves a run for their money on the longevity of the shave front. YMMV

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  11. #10
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Yea, I have a few DE's that approach a straight but only one that equals it.
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