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Thread: Parker Open Comb DE

  1. #1
    STF is offline
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    Default Parker Open Comb DE

    I'm seriously thinking of pushing the button on this.

    I would really like to try an open comb razor without spending much in case I don't like it.

    $35 Canadian plus tax for this, has anyone got any experience of these. It sounds OK but some real life reviews would be helpful.

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    Yeah, I've got one of those, it's my travel razor because it's super efficient and cheap enough that it's super easy to replace if lost or stolen or whatever. I like the weight a lot, it feels really solid. The handle is a little long, but not inconvenient in any way (it easily fits a razor holder, and doesn't take up a lot of space in the dopp bag). The only thing is that the angle needs to be spot on, as it's a pretty agressive razor. But if your angle and weight is good, it can give a super close shave.
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    The Parker 25C has a chrome handle and the 26C has a graphite handle, but the head is the same.

    This is a very efficient razor. I use this open comb for the first pass WTG. With the right blade, it works well to mow down the beard growth, especially if you have more than one day's growth. Typically, because I have very sensitive skin, I use other razors for subsequent passes, although I could use the 25C.

    If you get one, I suggest that you shave "off the cap". It works well with a shallow blade angle. If you try using a higher blade angle, you are likely to scrape off skin cells along with your stubble, leading to an uncomfortable shave. Be sure to shave with minimal shave pressure. Although this advice applies to any razor, it is especially important with efficient ones.

    I have tried two other open comb razors: Merkur 25C and the Karve C plate open comb. Of the three, the Parker 25C is my favorite by a wide margin.
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  6. #4
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    With an efficient/aggressive DE the advice to ride the cap along with minimal pressure on the blade is critical as others have said. I do not have the Parker OC but have several efficient/aggressive OC DEs which are my favourite DEs. They are lovely shavers so long as your shaving and lathering technique is good.

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  8. #5
    STF is offline
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    My Parker Open Comb 25c all chrome came yesterday and i had my first shave with it this morning. It came with 10 blades, 5 Parker and 5 Gillette Minora. I have no experience of either blades and haven't actually heard of the Minora's before, I put a Parker in.

    I was very cautious for the first pass, much more relaxed on the 2nd (XTG)

    By the time I started the 3rd pass I was shaving with wild abandon no problem and the fourth pass felt no diffent than my rockwell 6c.

    Maybe it's because my skin is like rhino hide and I could probably shave with a broken bottle, but I didn't find that oc razor to be agressive.

    I did adjust the angle (handle more down) until I could feel the blade and I am definately going to need more practice with it, maybe I should swap out the Parker blade for either my usual Nacets or a Feather to get a closer shave. Don't get me wrong, I had a good close DE shave but definately not like I do with my Rockwell 6c.

    I hope I can get a better shave with it because I always fancied an open comb.
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  9. #6
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    I had my second shave with that Parker open comb DE yesterday afternoon.

    I waited till afternoon because swmbo goes down to watch telly so I can choose a stronger soap, yesterday it was Stirling Agar that I won in the Giveaway, I miss that giveaway, I used to look forward to it every month.

    Anyway, I swapped out that Parker blade for one of my own Nacets and had a really good shave, nice and close. Parker blades might be really good but I didn't get on with it.

    I got really confident with that open comb razor, and lost a couple of layers of skin so maybe in future, softly softly catchy monkey eh.

    Properly BBS and still almost smooth this morning (possibly because removed the root as well as the bristles ).

    I still prefer straights but it's fun playing with a DE too and I want to be good with one because their a lot more convenient if I go anywhere.

    I stayed in a hotel for 2 nights about a year ago and took a straight, the chambermaid must have cut something to see how sharp it was because the second morning I had the most uncomfortabe and tuggy shave I think I ever experienced.
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  10. #7
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    Great thread, Steve. It makes me want to use my open comb today. I am with you. I really don't find too much of a difference between my OC razors and standard DE razors. I only got an open comb because of a thread on here a few years ago. If I had read this thread earlier, I'd have offered to send you mine for free. I never use it. So, again, I need to try it tomorrow. My SOTD today is already done and posted.

    I like your comment about the maid testing your straight for sharpness in your hotel. I traveled with a straight razor, travel strop, honing finish stone, and all the accessories for years. More than once I thought someone (like the maid) had goofed around with my straight razor because the next morning I had an absolutely horrific first pass shave, until I touched up the blade with the stone and strop.

    I used to post all my hotel shaves here on SOTD. In some ways I really miss those days. In some ways, I don't miss them at all. The older I get, the more I like being home.
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