Yep. I bought another. I had thought that I'd be able to just buy the base plate and put it on my Gamechanger but NOOOOO! It's different.
I already had a RR Bulldog handle so I bought the base plate and the top cap and save 10 bucks. Big deal, LOL. At least I now have a use for one of my extra handles.
I put the Barber-pole handle on the .95 and I've used it twice now with a Naset blade. A great shaver! I was a little afraid of the exposure of the blade is too much but they really kept it at a nice positive without going too far. I still have an issue with those OC razors so I think this one fits me just right. I feel I could go with one less pass on my shaves with this .95 SB. And still, come out with a comfortable shave.

I think this will tide me over for a while on the new safety razors.

Name:  Razorock Lupo .95 SB .jpg
Views: 330
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My next shave I will be comparing the 84 vs 95 vs 86 oc Bronze to see where they all stand in my favorites list.