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Thread: Trying to find a decent cartridge razor for airline carry-on travel

  1. #11
    Senior Member ZipZop's Avatar
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    Thanks to the help here on this thread, I have received two 5 packs of BIC METAL disposables and one 10 pack of Schick Exacta 2 Sensitive. Both give very good shaves for disposables. I think I prefer the Bic Metal (ONE BLADE with metal bar), but the Schick Sensitive is not far behind.

    Thanks to all the contributors for help in this thread. I'm now set for traveling with only CARRY-ON luggage.

    But on another note, have you gents seen the mess in the airline industry? It's horrific. I dread flying. But it's still cheaper and much faster than driving long distances, so I'm stuck being on an airplane.
    JBHoren and outback like this.
    "I get some lather and lather-up, then I get my razor and shave! Zip Zop, see that? My face Is ripped to shreads!"

  2. #12
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    You might want to check out the BIC Hybrid 5 razors. I have a coarse beard and sensitive skin. I love the sharpness and smoothness of BIC Chrome Platinum DE blades and I found the BIC Hybrid 5 razors to be some of the best cartridge razors available for my beard. I have tried various Gillette and Schick cartridges, but the BIC is the only one that can come close to the quality of a DE shave.

    Back in the 90s, I used to fly about three weeks a month. With bonus miles, I earned my million mile flyer award on US Airways in five years. In 1999, I moved to the Chicago area. After 9/11, flying became such a hassle, I would drive to any destination less than 500 miles from home.

    I have not flown since my retirement. I forfeited about 500,000 frequent flyer miles when US Airways took was bought out by American Airlines. Dealing with O'Hare was such a hassle that I did not even want to fly for free.

    I understand that flying has become a nightmare after COVID. For those of you who have to travel by air, you have my sympathies.
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  3. The Following User Says Thank You to RayClem For This Useful Post:

    ZipZop (08-22-2022)

  4. #13
    Home of the Mysterious Symbol CrescentCityRazors's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ZipZop View Post
    Thanks to the help here on this thread, I have received two 5 packs of BIC METAL disposables and one 10 pack of Schick Exacta 2 Sensitive. Both give very good shaves for disposables. I think I prefer the Bic Metal (ONE BLADE with metal bar), but the Schick Sensitive is not far behind.

    Thanks to all the contributors for help in this thread. I'm now set for traveling with only CARRY-ON luggage.

    But on another note, have you gents seen the mess in the airline industry? It's horrific. I dread flying. But it's still cheaper and much faster than driving long distances, so I'm stuck being on an airplane.
    It's worse and worse. Before I retired I had to fly on average around 4 or 5 times a year, and my destination could be any place in the world where a ship could go. The majority of my jobs would be fly-out jobs, and the time window for meeting a ship could be very small. So not only did I have to fly a lot, but I had better not miss a connection, either. It was hell. I hated it. The only thing I hated worse about my job than getting full physicals 3 to 5 times a year was flying flying flying. Now that I am retired, I don't fly ANYWHERE. We just went to the Grand Canyon, which my wife has had on her bucket list for 50 years, and we drove. From New Orleans. We were concerned about the roadworthiness of our old Hyundai and the gas guzzling of our Dodge Ram pickup so we rented a Camry with all the bells and whistles, and it was very pleasant indeed. Even had radar assisted cruise, so I could just let it follow the car ahead and keep a safe distance. It would slow or speed up to keep up with the traffic as long as I set it slightly faster than the flow of traffic. It meeped at me if I got too close to the edge of my lane, though it wouldn't automatically steer for me. I think Hertz disabled that feature. Seats were sooooo comfy, AC worked perfectly, no way would I have been so comfortable even in business or first class. Driving rocks, with the right car. Flying sucks, on the best of commercial airlines. I feel overwhelming pity on those who are still forced to fly just to make a paycheck. It gets suckier and suckier. Wife's kiddo and her hubby live in San Jose (Peoples Demokratik Republik of Kalifornyia, not Puerto Rico) and I told her flat out I am not now and not never ever ever flying there. We will drive. Flying sucks too badly and I get a foul and evil temper when I am forced to cope with sucky crap and being treated like a convict or a suspect or a mental patient. A nice drive is pleasant. A longer nicer drive is even more pleasant. It's kind of like being on my boat. Who cares where I am going? I am already in my destination.

  5. #14
    Senior Member Badgister's Avatar
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    No more checked in luggage is definitely the only way to go for me. I thought cartridge razors would do it, but it was a miserable experience using one.

    Fortunately I was able to find a cheap Wilkinson Sword DE razor at a supermarket in Greece and it proved to be a valuable tool during my stay.

    They seem to be easy to find.
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  6. #15
    Senior Member ZipZop's Avatar
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    I just got back this morning from a trip, having been gone for about 10 days.

    I have to say that after 8 or so days of shaving on the road (I rested the skin on my face for a few days during the 10 day trip), I have to say that now I prefer the Schick Exacta 2 Sensitive that @JBhoren recommended at the beginning of this thread. I thought I preferred the Bic Metal one blade disposable, but after 4 shaves each on the Bic Metal and the Schick 2 Sensitive, it's defintiely the Schick that wins out. It's a more comfortable shave, and a closer shave with less irritation that the Bic Metal. Not that the Bic Metal is a bad disposable, it's just not as comfortable nor close as the Schick - on my skin and beard.
    For a Disposable carry-on, I have to give it up for the Schick Exacta 2 Sensitive;

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    And yes, AIRLINE TRAVEL SUCKS THESE DAYS! It just keeps getting worse by the year. I used to complain about airline travel in the 80s and 90s. Now, I'd feel fortunate to have those days back again. Compared to what we have to go through today, those truly seemed like the golden days of air travel. I'm not old enough to know how it was in the 50s or 60s. I started flying sporadically in the late 70s while attending college, and really "took off", so to speak, in the 80s. I do barely remember airline travel before deregulation. Some here that are older than I am can speak to this better than I can, but the only thing I seem to remember before deregulaton was that the planes seemed emptier (less passengers), with more room in your seat than there is now. It could be my memory is not accurate, but that's what I seem to recall.
    Last edited by ZipZop; 08-22-2022 at 06:17 PM.
    JBHoren likes this.
    "I get some lather and lather-up, then I get my razor and shave! Zip Zop, see that? My face Is ripped to shreads!"

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