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Thread: First DE Shave SUPER COOL

  1. #1
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    Talking First DE Shave SUPER COOL

    So I know most of the guys shaving with DE's will think the Henson AL13 Mild, is just that, a pretty mild easy start to something amazing. I have been sharpening and making my own resin bonded diamond stones, etc for about 4-5 years now. Probably have over 175 stones between made by me etc. probably a decent amount more if I were to count individual stones like the boride stones/venevs etc for the TSPROF or just smaller pocket stones so on... about 1.5 years ago I started down the SR rabbit hole, ended up learning to hone for a great shave which took about a week or two just to get the "proper" edge where you barely touch your arm/leg hair and they pop and run from your blade. I was able to get an easy shaving arm hair edge off my regular blades no problem. I just never realized there would be a significant difference in the two kinds of sharpness needed to put the blade to your face and have a BBS/non irritating shave. Fast forward 1.5 years and I still love using as straight, but every once and a great while Im not paying attention well and buzzing along and catch maybe the spot below the ear or some of the thinner areas around my chin and get small weepers, but really just that nick that doesnt even bother you after the original first scares. So I went off the deep end and bought the Henson (thought it looked cool) bought all kinds of blades, of course me being me, I bought them by the 100. astra plats, gillette nacets, feathers, you know the stuff most people say are the goods. With someone's youtube channel I was able to get their not so sought after RK series blades for free. As I was on my buying spree, I started doing research about sharpening these DE blades, and it seemed most were keen to just toss them. I mean, they are dirt cheap afterall. Just for S&G I decided to buy the Treet Carbon Steel Blacks, because most people were saying trying to sharpen the stainless was a lost cause. Fast forward to this Morning my first DE shave. Again being me, I decided, use the cheapest seemingly least favorite RK blade. First few small strokes, instantly was tugging my coarse 3-4 day stubble. I was like, hmmm. well, people were right this thing might not work for me. So, covered in lather, I decided to remove the RK, and awkwardly (never realized a DE blade was so thin previously HAHA) proceeded to strop all four edges of that crappy rk. doing an awful job to say the least (imo) put that sucker back into the razor and had a beautiful first shave. Took a few passes to figure out the correct angle to get the best removal, ran a alum stone over my face with absolutely no irritation.

    After my mile and a half introduction, I ask this.... how long has anyone pushed the limits of using the same near worthless blade? Here I am with 700 fresh blades and for the love of sharpening I'm going to try and get a decent shave as long as possible with this RK blade(for research purposes bahahaha)Anyone else love seeing if they can do similar? Anyone pushed the limits like the old timers? I picked up about 6 or so of the curved hones for DEs, all different variants for when stropping isnt cutting it. Just like the SR you only get so much out of it before it needs to be stropped with compound and back to leather or for a miniscule honing on your choice of poison. I am super excited to see what kind of results I can get regardless of how cheap they know, just cause.
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  2. #2
    Senior Member blabbermouth outback's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by olenickdesigns View Post
    So I know most of the guys shaving with DE's will think the Henson AL13 Mild, is just that, a pretty mild easy start to something amazing. I have been sharpening and making my own resin bonded diamond stones, etc for about 4-5 years now. Probably have over 175 stones between made by me etc. probably a decent amount more if I were to count individual stones like the boride stones/venevs etc for the TSPROF or just smaller pocket stones so on... about 1.5 years ago I started down the SR rabbit hole, ended up learning to hone for a great shave which took about a week or two just to get the "proper" edge where you barely touch your arm/leg hair and they pop and run from your blade. I was able to get an easy shaving arm hair edge off my regular blades no problem. I just never realized there would be a significant difference in the two kinds of sharpness needed to put the blade to your face and have a BBS/non irritating shave. Fast forward 1.5 years and I still love using as straight, but every once and a great while Im not paying attention well and buzzing along and catch maybe the spot below the ear or some of the thinner areas around my chin and get small weepers, but really just that nick that doesnt even bother you after the original first scares. So I went off the deep end and bought the Henson (thought it looked cool) bought all kinds of blades, of course me being me, I bought them by the 100. astra plats, gillette nacets, feathers, you know the stuff most people say are the goods. With someone's youtube channel I was able to get their not so sought after RK series blades for free. As I was on my buying spree, I started doing research about sharpening these DE blades, and it seemed most were keen to just toss them. I mean, they are dirt cheap afterall. Just for S&G I decided to buy the Treet Carbon Steel Blacks, because most people were saying trying to sharpen the stainless was a lost cause. Fast forward to this Morning my first DE shave. Again being me, I decided, use the cheapest seemingly least favorite RK blade. First few small strokes, instantly was tugging my coarse 3-4 day stubble. I was like, hmmm. well, people were right this thing might not work for me. So, covered in lather, I decided to remove the RK, and awkwardly (never realized a DE blade was so thin previously HAHA) proceeded to strop all four edges of that crappy rk. doing an awful job to say the least (imo) put that sucker back into the razor and had a beautiful first shave. Took a few passes to figure out the correct angle to get the best removal, ran a alum stone over my face with absolutely no irritation.

    After my mile and a half introduction, I ask this.... how long has anyone pushed the limits of using the same near worthless blade? Here I am with 700 fresh blades and for the love of sharpening I'm going to try and get a decent shave as long as possible with this RK blade(for research purposes bahahaha)Anyone else love seeing if they can do similar? Anyone pushed the limits like the old timers? I picked up about 6 or so of the curved hones for DEs, all different variants for when stropping isnt cutting it. Just like the SR you only get so much out of it before it needs to be stropped with compound and back to leather or for a miniscule honing on your choice of poison. I am super excited to see what kind of results I can get regardless of how cheap they know, just cause.
    I've heard others here say this as well, but my grandfather would use the inside of a small glass, with a touch of water.
    Lay the blade on the side of the inside of the glass length wise. Press the blade against the glass and slide side to side, turn and repeat.

    I'm faster by far, with a straight. But I do have a few DEs and good selection of known blades. Along with a Sear n Roebuck DE razor stropper. Looks like a pencil sharpener.
    olenickdesigns likes this.

  3. #3
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    im definitely going to try this with the only ceramic shave mug i have.

  4. #4
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    here was the simple method i was using for stropping the DE
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