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Thread: So, what IS shaving anyway?

  1. #11
    Aristocratic treasure hunter Aggelos's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Barbudo View Post
    If slant razors are so effective, why are the GREAT MAJORITY of DE razors [U]not[U] slant style? Marketers will sell whatever the market demands, and clearly regular DE razors far outnumber slant razors.
    Dammit, do I have to throw away all my straights and only DE and go buy a 5-blades-cartidge Gillette whateverthefad (TM) ? Am I that mistaken? They vastly outnumber both DE and straights after all. That must be true.

    Quote Originally Posted by BobH View Post
    The whole shaving thing is very much a ymmv game where something works for one person and not another.
    That's the gospel to which I adhere

    I have no opinion regarding the rest of your editorial, since I do not feel much included in these definitions of shaving, except for the "sharp specialised blade to remove the hair without removing the skin"

    But then again, in my case it's less about hair, blade and technicalities (that's what I do when I'm NOT shaving) and more about having a pleasurable time taking care of myself and my manly needs. (*)(**)

    (*)Priming for greasy jokes intented, keep them as edgy as your razors folks
    (**)I mean except for the 10mn after you stop the car and before you get inside, it's the only real "me time" a grown man has
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    Beautiful is important, but when all is said and done, you will always be faithful to a good shaver while a bad one may detter you from ever trying again. Judge with your skin, not your eyes.

  2. #12
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    [QUOTE=Aggelos;1984111]Dammit, do I have to throw away all my straights and only DE and go buy a 5-blades-cartidge Gillette whateverthefad (TM) ? Am I that mistaken? They vastly outnumber both DE and straights after all. That must be true.

    That's the gospel to which I adhere


    DE means "double edge", which is the type the discussion is about. It's not relevant if many people use multi-blade plastic razors (which BTW give a very good shave)

  3. #13
    Aristocratic treasure hunter Aggelos's Avatar
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    Alright, so to sum up the answer to the question "What is shaving anyway" is
    - using a DE, since this is the DE section which talks about shaving, and specifically not a slant, which are inferior since there are fewer of them. Is using an open comb shaving, or do I have to use a closed comb ?
    - loosely hold the handle so that the blade rests at the correct angle as intended by the manufacturer
    - whatever the length of the stroke, it has to be perpendicular to the blade

    So, those are my thoughts. You can have an interesting time thinking about them the next time you are shaving.
    Alright, color me impressed and educated, thank you for your insight, have a nice day
    Beautiful is important, but when all is said and done, you will always be faithful to a good shaver while a bad one may detter you from ever trying again. Judge with your skin, not your eyes.

  4. #14
    Senior Member blabbermouth PaulFLUS's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Barbudo View Post
    ...(which BTW give a very good shave)
    Speak for yourself.
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    Iron by iron is sharpened, And a man sharpens the face of his friend. PR 27:17

  5. #15
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    Yep, can't imagine there would any forums about shaving if it were true!
    People want better than that.
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  6. #16
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    You know, at one time (in modern history) everyone used a straight razor and most hated it but that's the way it was unless you wanted a full hair effect. Then Gillette invented the DE with disposable blades and folks never looked back at straights (present company excluded). Then they invented electrics and in most upper strata countries they reign supreme (but not the U.S). Of course then they started improving things and they came out with slants and better single edge and double edge razors.

    So, you pick your poison and adapt it to your own individual needs. What works for one may not work the same for others. My technique may give you a terrible shave. That's why I guess I have a drawer full of De razors and straight razors.

    Yea the destination is a great shave but the route to get there is where the fun is like any great journey.
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  7. #17
    Razor Vulture sharptonn's Avatar
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    So you were a convert from the new DE days, Spendur?

    I knew you was old but.....

    The disposable blades shave great. I have just taken to once a week, going through al my blades.
    A week's worth for myself would bend a few DE's, I swear these Sheffields are multiplying!

    Germans coming soon!
    "Don't be stubborn. You are missing out."
    I rest my case.

  8. #18
    Senior Member Johntoad57's Avatar
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    To ask the question "what is shaving?" is like asking "Why is there air?" I can't believe that I'm responding to this nonsense!
    sharptonn and RezDog like this.
    Semper Fi !


  9. #19
    Razor Vulture sharptonn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Johntoad57 View Post
    To ask the question "what is shaving?" is like asking "Why is there air?" I can't believe that I'm responding to this nonsense!
    Yes....'Tis a silly thread
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    "Don't be stubborn. You are missing out."
    I rest my case.

  10. #20
    32t is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by Johntoad57 View Post
    To ask the question "what is shaving?" is like asking "Why is there air?" I can't believe that I'm responding to this nonsense!
    Depending on your trade.

    From what I have seen your trade has been the military. I can see where a clean shaven face would be important to you.

    To lots of others around the world it isn't such a big deal or not wanted.

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