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  1. #1
    Member clehman67's Avatar
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    Default Unknown Gillette Safety Razor

    Hi all,

    I was hoping I could get some help identifying a DE razor I was given by a family friend. I was given this razor when I was 8 years old (41 now), and decided about a month ago to clean it out and try shaving with it. This was also my first shave without a multi-bladed disposable razor. I have to admit it was a great shave.

    Now, I'm really curious to find out what model of razor I was gifted with. I found an ebay link to one that looks very much like it.
    My razor has no version/patent letters/numbers on it, but there is a band above the turn knob that says "PAT NOS ON PACKAGE"...real helpful

    Name:  Gillette Razor.jpg
Views: 32969
Size:  44.0 KB

    P.S. This is my first post and I must admit...this site has more information than any other I've seen yet on the subject of shaving! Great job!!


  2. #2
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    I'm no expert, but it looks like it could be a pre-40s SuperSpeed. They didn't put date codes on them early on. If there were any markings, they would be under the head.

    Either way, looks like its a nice razor, and hopefully a great shaver!

  3. #3
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    In the UK I believe it would be refered to as a rocket.........
    very desireable !!!!!!!!

  4. #4
    Senior Member headdoc's Avatar
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    Default Gilette Question

    It looks like a 47-49 SS. They did not date code those years. Go to There will be a sticky there that contains the date codes and description of the different razors. I have the documents but they exceed the limit for attachments here. If you want the documents send me your email address and I'll send you the date coding details and the picture description of all the Gillette series.

  5. #5
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    Welcome to the forum.

    This is a quote from SMF forum member Gatorade;

    "The Gillette Ranger Tech originally went into production for the holiday season in 1941 however production was canceled due to the outbreak of WWII. Gillette then went into wartime production of blades and 3 piece techs for the troops. When the war was over Gillette resumed production of the Twist To Open razors but the Ranger had evolved into the Super Speed. No Gillette collection is complete without a Ranger Tech."
    I am pretty sure that is what you have there. I have one and it also has the smooth ring over the TTO knob and the same marking.

    Now clean it up, put it away and get a straight razor.
    Be careful how you treat people on your way up, you may meet them again on your way back down.

  6. #6
    Senior Member Sandcounty's Avatar
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    Yep, it's a Ranger Tech, a very collectible Gillette.

  7. #7
    Member clehman67's Avatar
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    Default Many thanks!

    Thank you all for your help identifying my old razor. I knew it had to be fairly old, but didn't realize it was quite as old as that.

    @ JimmyH-AD

    I have a couple straight razors, but I'm not very good at honing them yet. My honing and stropping technique I shave with DE's alot . I've done a lot of research on shaving with straights including buying Lynn's video, so I guess I'll just keep watching, reading and practicing until I figure it out.



  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by JimmyH-AD View Post
    Welcome to the forum.

    This is a quote from SMF forum member Gatorade;

    "The Gillette Ranger Tech originally went into production for the holiday season in 1941 however production was canceled due to the outbreak of WWII. Gillette then went into wartime production of blades and 3 piece techs for the troops. When the war was over Gillette resumed production of the Twist To Open razors but the Ranger had evolved into the Super Speed. No Gillette collection is complete without a Ranger Tech."
    I am pretty sure that is what you have there. I have one and it also has the smooth ring over the TTO knob and the same marking.

    Now clean it up, put it away and get a straight razor.
    War broke out here a bit earlier than that! My grandmother had been bombed-out three times by then..............
    and my greatgrandfather was suffering all sorts of after effects of been blown-up by the Kruats on numerous occasions by '41.
    And those b4stards bombed our chippy!

  9. #9
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by clehman67 View Post
    Thank you all for your help identifying my old razor. I knew it had to be fairly old, but didn't realize it was quite as old as that.

    @ JimmyH-AD

    I have a couple straight razors, but I'm not very good at honing them yet. My honing and stropping technique I shave with DE's alot . I've done a lot of research on shaving with straights including buying Lynn's video, so I guess I'll just keep watching, reading and practicing until I figure it out.


    If I were you I would PM Lynn and see about sending one of them to him to hone for you. Then you will have a shave ready razor and a benchmark to know what you are shooting for as you develop your honing skills. When I first started shaving with a straight I went as far as I could and then finished the shave with a DE. It took me a few weeks to put the DE away and I haven't needed it since. Best of luck with your honing.
    Be careful how you treat people on your way up, you may meet them again on your way back down.

  10. #10
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    It looks like a Gillette Fatboy to me.
    That's what my dad uses.

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