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Thread: Why use a slant?

  1. #1
    bowman boxing brokeup's Avatar
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    Default Why use a slant?

    What is the purpose of a slant bar? Thanks!

  2. #2
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    Holds the blade slightly diagonally which when used with a normal stroke attacks the whiskers with a scything direction considered to be more effective in a smooth and close shave. The first time I saw a Merkur Slant I was intimated but that first shave with a Feather blade made a believer out of me. I hung my slant up when I discovered straight razor shaving but if I ever went back to DE the Merkur slant would be my weapon of choice.
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    brokeup (10-28-2009)

  4. #3
    bowman boxing brokeup's Avatar
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    Thanks! Just bougt 2 more de's... Rad attack! I bought a Edwin Jagger 87 in ivory for me and a gillette blue star for the wife. I wanted a closer shave than my super speed.
    I was looking at the HD slant long handle but wasn't sure how aggressive it was. Sounds like the ticket for a real close shave!

  5. #4
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    The idea of the slant is to give a closer approximation of what a straight does and behaves.
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  6. #5
    bowman boxing brokeup's Avatar
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    I see how it works now, the razor does alot of the work for you. How is it for people with sensitive skin like myself? I love my straight but am starting to really get into the de as well. My only experience with de is the super speed, how much more aggressive is the slant compared? thanks

  7. #6
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    Its an aggressive razor, you'll need to be careful if your skin is sensitive. I don't think I've ever heard anyone say the slant was gentle.

  8. #7
    bowman boxing brokeup's Avatar
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    My hope is that the Edwin Jagger will be right in the middle of the superspeed and the slant? I want an agressive shaver but not one that will peel my face off!

  9. #8
    Senior Member mbwhoosh's Avatar
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    I love my SS it is like a cartridge razor in that it is very hard to cut yourself with one, a very fun shave.

    However for closeness nothing beats a slant (in the DE world at least). I have the merkur 49c barberpole slant and its my favorite DE. Yes it is a very aggressive shave and much heavier than a SS.

    It intimidating the first time but after that you'll be fine Remember to not compensate for the slant shave like you normally would and let the slant do the scything motion for you.

    You may need to try a few blades to find the right combo (which can be a painful task) but once youdo you won't regret it. I like gillette super thins for mine.

    My only complaint about the slant is that it is not TTO butterfly style I hate having to unscrew the top to change a blade

    Oh yeah as far as sensitive skin the slant is notoriouse for people buying one and selling it the next day. Sooo before buying a brand new one you might consider trying one of the DE forums and buying one used. The is even a thread on B&B about "the most pifed slant" where people try it then send it to someone else for free so they don't waste money on something they won't use.
    Last edited by mbwhoosh; 10-29-2009 at 09:45 AM.

  10. The Following User Says Thank You to mbwhoosh For This Useful Post:

    brokeup (10-29-2009)

  11. #9
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    If you do get a slant or any non twist to open razor one thing you should look out for is adjusting the blade exposure as you tighten the top cap down. Use your thumb and fore finger to hold the ends of the blade and make sure that blade exposure is equal on both sides. It can become skewed when tightening and IME that ain't a good thing.

    If you like the Gillette Super Speed but don't find it aggressive enough the Gillette Red Tip is similar in comfort while being more aggressive than the SS. There is also the 'Fat Boy" adjustable. Of course these are vintage and you'll have to hunt for one in the classifieds or ebay.
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  12. #10
    bowman boxing brokeup's Avatar
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    I have been trying to resist my RAD to just buy a slant and see, I guess I should wait and see how well the EJ87 works first. I was thinking of the red tip and fat boy, lost out on one on eBay the other day. Love the vintage stuff but would like a brand new one as well as the price tags for de's don't hurt as much as a new straight.
    Great info on the b&b sight about the loaner blade! Thanks

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