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  1. #11
    you will be assimilated blockhead's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by salazch View Post
    but my wife will kill me if I buy any more shave related stuff right now (she doesn't see the point of men "primping" and spending so much time shaving). Oh, and we gotta save up for our baby that is due in a few months.

    Right there with you! We are due in early July. My wife keeps asking me "How many razors do you NEED?" And telling me that I won't have this much time in the morning to shave "when the baby gets here..." If you luck up, you can find a DE pretty cheap. I have grabbed A fat handled Tech, an Aristocrat, a ball end Tech and three SE Gems for $5 per razor. Just keep your eyes open.

  2. #12
    Sardaukar salazch's Avatar
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    "How many razors do you need?" "Are you looking at more shaving stuff?" "You already have a razor!" "Are you on that site again!"
    That's my wife. Congrats on the baby. We are due in July too.

  3. #13
    Well Shaved Gentleman... jhenry's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by salazch View Post
    Most people that I talk to have viewed DE's as an inferior and even archaic method of shaving compared to the modern multi-blade razor, and even compared to stra8 razors. I frankly didn't understand their history and the quality that you can get from them until I started looking at this site. I'm loving my Dovo stra8 razor and I am curious about how a shave feels with a DE, but my wife will kill me if I buy any more shave related stuff right now (she doesn't see the point of men "primping" and spending so much time shaving). Oh, and we gotta save up for our baby that is due in a few months. I also want to get more stra8 experience under my belt.
    It looks like the angles are different with a DE than using a stra8, and like it would be harder to control and not cut myself.

    In the long-run you will actually save money using a DE, rather than a multi-blade razor...DE razor blades are cheaper than multi-blade cartridges.

    You're right about the angle, but it is no more difficult to learn the correct angle for a DE than it is for a str8 razor. In fact, in many respects learning the correct angle to hold a DE razor against your face is easier. After all, it's complete descriptor is "DE safety razor."

    "Age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don't mind, it doesn't matter." Mark Twain

  4. #14
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    I have a Gillette Fatboy and use it on a regular basis when I'm in a hurry or don't want to fuss with the straight. No the shave isn't as close as with a straight but its still mighty fine.
    No matter how many men you kill you can't kill your successor-Emperor Nero

  5. #15
    you will be assimilated blockhead's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by salazch View Post
    "How many razors do you need?" "Are you looking at more shaving stuff?" "You already have a razor!" "Are you on that site again!"
    That's my wife. Congrats on the baby. We are due in July too.

    "Is there THAT much to talk about on a shaving site?"

  6. #16
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    but my wife will kill me if I buy any more shave related stuff right now (she doesn't see the point of men "primping" and spending so much time shaving).

    LOL!!!! I hear this argument often, and my reply is......

    There were barber shops before there were "beauty parlors". In the American west, what were the three main "institutions" that were first formed in a town...?

    2. Brothel (which often times included a saloon, or vis versa)
    3. Barber Shop.

    It's time we men got back to the notion that we need a little pampering. Women can out-spend$$$$ men on a daily basis and claim "neccesity", while Us guys, when we want a little TLC get the razz. Perhaps we can say to our femine partners when they say they need a 'peddy"... "Here's a 6 penny nail and a piece of 220 sandpaper; go pamper yourself!"

    While I am experimenting with str8*t blades, I probably will always be a die-hard DE shaver.
    I have a very heavy beard and I learned to hate shaving at age 13 ( late '60's) .
    About two years ago I discovered there are a lot of people like me and went back to the "old ways", and combined the DE safety razor with old-time babershop techniques and potions that make it an enjoyable experience instead of a dreaded chore; perhaps emulating the old-time barbershop experinece when men used to pamper themselves.

    I use several DE shavers, including a Merjur "Barberpole" rake. It's got a nice long handle and good heft to it. The rake is nice, but it doesn't cut-in tight areas (I trim my 'stach and goat).

    If you have the opportunity aquire a Gillette Tech. It's a simple three-piece (minus blade) shaver. It's my favorite. Simple is best!

    Good Luck!

  7. #17
    The Assyrian Obie's Avatar
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    Default First DE Shave I Am a Believer

    Ladies and gentlemen:

    I shave with a straight razor, but I still am quite fond of my DE and use it when extremely short on time.

    The one DE I always recommend is the Edwin Jagger 89L for its workmanship and shave quality. I no longer have mine, but these are what I have, and use when short on time:

    1. Edwin Jagger "Chatsworth" barley, at home.
    2. Gillette Super Speed Red Tip, in my gym bag.
    3. Merkur travel DE, in my travel dopp bag.



  8. #18
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    Congrats on your first DE shave Shaviar. And welcome to the fold. I use both DE and a straight and love them both. My DE is a 1939 Gillette Tech and my str8t is a DOVO Ebony. Took a shave last night with the str8t so tomorrow will go with the Tech again. It's nice having a choice. Enjoy your shaves.

  9. #19
    Half-Ninja kenny1775's Avatar
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    I tend to do my 1st pass with my Merkur DE (which I've been using daily for years now) and then "tighten up" with my straight afterwards.

    DEs are fantastic, and I don't think I'll ever stop using mine.

    FWIW though, it's been my experience that the temptation to learn the straight is irresistable. There's a much longer learning curve, and quite a bit more trial and errors involved (advice: buy a syptic pencil before you start)... but the day you experience the Magic of the Straight you'll be hooked for the rest of your life

    Enjoy your time with the DE... I'm pretty sure it's been the first step for many of us.

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