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  1. #1
    Wetshaver Newbie
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    Default EJ Chatsworth Barley Razor vs. Merkur Vision

    I am looking to buy an Edwin Jagger Chatsworth Barley razor. It is a beautiful razor and from what I understand is generally less aggressive than the Merkur razors even though it is not adjustable. I currently have a Merkur Vision, which I like but the head of the razor is a little large. I am doing a decent job under the nose and on the chin with the Vision, but this requires very careful work. I am currently using the Vision with the Gillette yellow blades, which so far have come to be my favorite blades.

    Are there any Vision owners or users out there who have the EJ Chatsworth Barley razor with the new DE head? Do you like the shave with the EJ better than with the Vision? What are the Pros & Cons of each razor?


    Last edited by drw6895; 03-01-2010 at 03:06 AM.

  2. #2
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    I have the Barley as a matter of fact I just got it and it shaves beautifully and feels great in the hand. I used to have a vision and to tell you the truth I never liked it. It felt clumsy and I had problems getting it in tight corners because of the size of the head. I also have a fatboy and its a very nice razor though the feel in the hand is not as nice as the barley.
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  3. #3
    Senior Member alabamalawyer's Avatar
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    I have a EJ Chatsworth Barley and it is a great DE razor. It has a nice weight, good balance and gives a great shave. I have not used a Vision but did own a Futur and I prefer the Chatsworth Barley both in terms of appearance and function.

  4. #4
    Member MadAussie's Avatar
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    the new ej head is awesome

  5. #5
    The Assyrian Obie's Avatar
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    Default EJ Chatsworth Barley . . .

    Hello, everyone:

    A long time ago I bought a Merkur Vision. When it arrived, I took one look at it and sent it back. For me, it didn't look right and didn't feel right. Of course, many shavers out there like the Vision. That's how it should be in the world of wet shaving: personal choice is what counts.

    The first time I saw a photo of the Chatsworth "barley" I fell it love with it. At the time I had a range of Merkur razors, plus the Edwin Jagger 89L with its cousin, the Muhle Pinsel 89R, but I had to have the "barley." Talk about becoming obsessed.

    I still have my EJ Chatsworth "barley" and think it almost perfect in every way, from workmanship to balance and shave. Although I shave with a straight razor, the "barley" is still in the rotation, somewhere in the middle, because I am quite fond of it. Also, I use it when in a rush.

    If asked to choose for myself between the Merkur Vision and the Edwin Jagger "Chatsworth" barley, I would . . .



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