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  1. #1
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    Default Which model of fixed razor is the most aggressive?

    I bought my first safety razor about a week ago. It's a cheap razor, but it shaves great. I read the reviews and some said it was a "beginner's razor". I don't understand why anyone would think there are beginner or expert razors as long as either one shaves properly. So I want to find out if there's really a difference.

    Which brand/model is the most aggressive? preferably one that is not adjustable, with out the slant and something I could buy new.
    Last edited by ironman9889; 07-24-2010 at 05:41 PM.

  2. #2
    Senior Member Pops!'s Avatar
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    i never really understood this either.. i would think that the user's shaving technique and the actual blade used would determine the "aggressiveness".. but i've only ever used one DE.. so i'm not really qualified to comment..

  3. #3
    Senior Member cromagnum's Avatar
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    Well if you leave out the adjustable razors than this may be

    Bic Metal

    Gillette Super Speed Red Tip (UK)

    This is from the de blade gap thread.

    I have a red tip and it is a great shaver. I think the open comb razors give a feel of a more aggresive razor despide the blade gap though.


  4. #4
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    To me the Mercur slant is the most aggressive. You can really slice your face up with that one because of it's design.
    No matter how many men you kill you can't kill your successor-Emperor Nero

  5. #5
    Senior Member Arrowhead's Avatar
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    My experience with Gillettes is that they're all pretty manageable, so I'm guessing that if a really aggressive razor is the order of the day, it will be a modern one of some sort. The Merkur Futur adjustable has a reputation for being a beast on all but the lowest settings. Amongst the fixed head razors, the Joris is regarded as quite fierce, as are iKons, but the most blood curdling story I've heard recently concerns the Chinese Shenglong razor. I tried to Google up a link for it, but ominously the search turned up a lot of results for razor wire.

  6. #6
    The Electrochemist PhatMan's Avatar
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    The two (2) most aggressive safety razors I own are an 'E' model Schick Injector and an 1930s Ever-Ready SE. These can remove your skin most effectively if you do not pay attention

    Have fun !

    Best regards


  7. #7
    Senior Member De Layne's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ironman9889 View Post
    I bought my first safety razor about a week ago. It's a cheap razor, but it shaves great. I read the reviews and some said it was a "beginner's razor". I don't understand why anyone would think there are beginner or expert razors as long as either one shaves properly. So I want to find out if there's really a difference.

    Which brand/model is the most aggressive? preferably one that is not adjustable, with out the slant and something I could buy new.

    Some razors won't tear you up as badly as others will while you're learning how to use the thing. The more experienced members develop a small buffer of time needed to correct a technique mistake, and that warning gets to be less and less with the more aggressive razors. With a Feather blade that chance is almost non existent, which is why it's silly to start out with one of those. If it was me, I'd try to minimize the problems I was gonna have in the beginning. Someone new to a DE has about zero screw up window for error knowledge because he won't know he's doing something wrong until a bit of awfulness suddenly occurs. The idea is to try and stop before reaching that point.

    Most aggressive razor is the now discontinued(but maybe still available somewhere) older Muhle head design open comb type, DE89 or something like that. Those are universally mentioned with that type of a bite to em, and can do some damage from what I've read. Remember, that's the older head version from a few years ago.

    Another good choice for a new aggressive type razor would be many open comb versions........current or not. I've tried quite a few and they're all set a bit high for me......sometimes way too high. The vintage Gillette short tooth OC types seem to be the most aggressive of the bunch I've used. Yes, there is a performance difference betwen the long and short tooth versions...crazy as it probably seems....heh.

    Hope that helps,


  8. #8
    Senior Member Bazz's Avatar
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    I have several open comb razors the most aggressive being an old AS&CO it gives an incredibly close shave , but not all open combed razors are aggressive it depends on the head design , look for one that holds the blade up off the teeth and close to the edge

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