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  1. #1
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    Default which blades do you use? many?

    Like my curious post asks..which blades can you NOT stand another pass with and which do you LOVE and how many ya got?..any sampler pack lovers?


  2. #2
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    When I first started with a DE I had the sample pack and to tell you the truth I got good results from all of them. These days my favorites are the Feathers and the Mercurs and the Wilkinsons. My son uses iridiums and he likes them.
    No matter how many men you kill you can't kill your successor-Emperor Nero

  3. #3
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    I have quite a few on the go at the moment, can't say that I have any that I absolutely hate. I've had less luck with Merkur and Sharks. The "good list" would include (but not limited to) Feather, Derby, Iridium, Crystal and Astra. JMHO of course.

  4. #4
    The Assyrian Obie's Avatar
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    Default Which Blades . . .

    Hello, pcdad:

    Through the years I have gone through a large collection of blades. For now, I have settled on Feather and Gillette 7 O'Clock "sharp edge" in the yellow packs. My standard rule is to change blades after three shaves no matter the blade.


  5. #5
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    Hey Obie..funny question for you!

    What if the Pope himself gave you his DE/SE blade on a 3rd use and asked you to use it..what might you reply? (keep in's the holy man himself)


  6. #6
    Senior Member Arrowhead's Avatar
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    I've waxed interminable about blades which I like, both discontinued (Swedes and UK Wilks) and current (none of 'em). Rather than do that again, here's some mean spirited stuff about blades which are good for less than one shave.

    Derby: my one and only pack of these contained some perfectly ordinary razor blades, and some pieces of tin can which weren't fit for shaving with. Rejected permanently because Russian roulette doesn't appeal to me.

    Merkur: one pack and they're out, again. I did all right with these, actually, because they got swapped with somebody who likes them. I just didn't find them sharp enough.

    Wilkinson Sword (German and Economie): in a blind test I'd take both of these for Merkurs. A dreadful disappointment, because this was my brand of choice for years when they were still made in the UK: that's not a matter of chauvinism by the way, they were just sharper and smooth.

    Dorco: I've saved the "best" for last. These blades are surely the work of the devil - blunt, jagged, unspeakably awful.

    On the other matters, I've got something like 2000 blades in stock, which will see me out since I'm a straight razor shaver 95% of the time now; and the mileage for decent blades varies: 3 shaves for most brands, 4 or 5 for Iridiums and 7 o'clocks, more for Swedes.

  7. #7
    The Assyrian Obie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pcdad View Post
    Hey Obie..funny question for you!
    What if the Pope himself gave you his DE/SE blade on a 3rd use and asked you to use it..what might you reply? (keep in's the holy man himself)

    Hello, pcdad:

    With all due respect to the Pope and his flock, I have always followed my own nose. That goes for my decision on the number of times I use the same double edge razor blade: three shaves and new blade.

    After many years of experimentation, I have discovered that the blade's quality declines after the third shave, Feather blades included. That's why three shaves per blade. My Hollywood face seems to like it.



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  9. #8
    Connoisseur of steel Hawkeye5's Avatar
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    Mostly Swedes. I have somewhere around 200. As I shave with a DE infrequently these days I expect them to last a very long time.

    A few Personna 74s, maybe 50, and a few Light Brigade Wilks.

  10. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arrowhead View Post
    Derby: my one and only pack of these contained some perfectly ordinary razor blades, and some pieces of tin can which weren't fit for shaving with. Rejected permanently because Russian roulette doesn't appeal to me.
    That's interesting, Andy. These generally get favorable reviews, yet I've heard more than one account like yours regarding their QC. I completely respect your opinion of them, along with the likely outcome that you will never buy them again, however this seems to be the opposite of my experience with them. It seems either I lucked out with good packs or you "unlucked" out with a shoddy one

  11. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hawkeye5 View Post
    Mostly Swedes. I have somewhere around 200. As I shave with a DE infrequently these days.
    If you have little use for those Swede's I'd be happy help you out and
    take them off your hands

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