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  1. #11
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    My son has similar issues. We've tried all kinds of DE's and blades and soap and creams and he has the same deal with the bumps and numerous tiny nicks. I'm not sure there is a solution. In his case he only shaves maybe 2 or 3 times a week. If he had to shave every day it would be a real problem. We use a fatboy now and we've tried just about every setting on it.
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  2. #12
    Well Shaved Gentleman... jhenry's Avatar
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    +1 on the previous advice. IMHO you may be "overshaving' your young face and beard. Focus on preparation with a mild shaving soap or unscented cream. You may have allergies to the ingredients of your soap that you aren't aware of. Next, focus on holding your de at the correct angle, making no more than two passes on your face. Next, use your de blade to shave with no more than five times. Finally, apply some type of astringent (ie. witch hazel) and aftershave balm on your face. Then finish that off with another splash of witch hazel as an aftershave.

    See if these suggestions help. Above all, however, refrain from scraping your face repeatedly during one shave in the quest for a BBS shave.
    "Age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don't mind, it doesn't matter." Mark Twain

  3. #13
    Senior Member De Layne's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by thebigspendur View Post
    My son has similar issues. We've tried all kinds of DE's and blades and soap and creams and he has the same deal with the bumps and numerous tiny nicks. I'm not sure there is a solution. In his case he only shaves maybe 2 or 3 times a week. If he had to shave every day it would be a real problem. We use a fatboy now and we've tried just about every setting on it.
    Hi there,

    I may have a solution for your son. I'd suggest trying the TTO Feather Popular DE razor for an extremely mild and comfortable shave. If that razor doesn't fit his face then probably nothing will.

    It's an inexpensive but surprisingly well built razor for the money (about $15 or so). I used one with a few different blades, and it tamed the Feather right down. Yep, it's a very mild razor and it's not one to use with a heavy beard. The shave itself is a good one, but it's not as close as other more aggressive razors.

    Matter of fact, if you purchase one and it doesn't work out, I'll buy yours. I wouldn't mind having one of those around. It's sorta fun being able to pay so little attention when using a Feather blade. Even those are somewhat forgiving in this razor.

    Might be worth a shot. It's also possible the more rounded fatboy head may not agree with the boy, and the Feather profile might be better.

    Last edited by De Layne; 10-23-2010 at 11:54 PM.

  4. #14
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    Thats probably what ive been doing, expecting the same quick shave that I got from the electrics.

    Now im a couple of days into wolly mammoth mode, waiting for my face to heal haahahahahaha.

    I really appreciate all the tips and im going to watch that video right now!

    Man Im 30 and im going to have to end up with my pop all over again.


    THanks again


  5. #15
    Inane Rambler Troggie's Avatar
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    another DE you could try that has a nice mild shave is a Schick Krona. If you would like I have an extra one that I will be happy to send it to you to try if you like just PM me if your interested.

  6. The Following User Says Thank You to Troggie For This Useful Post:

    Rhythmicons (10-24-2010)

  7. #16
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    Well you know I have to say that in my experience thusfar, the members here seem to be very nice and generous! One member offered a free hone and now a razor.

    I think this is really a great place full of great people.

    But I wanted to answer some questions.

    Im using this VDH shaving kit from the grocery store that has soap without an ingrediant list and a boar bristle brush.

    WHen I shaved with the modern gillette, after a few days, the bumps dissappeared. Hopefully, Ill be fine soon.

    Thanks again to everyone who has been so kind to answer my questions and offer their advice, so that I don't cut my jugulars.

    Oh, I think I was shaving with the setting on 9 and then a few days later I bumped it back a bit to around 6 maybe (hope I didn't bump it from 1 to 6 thinking it was 9) so...yeah lolol. Reevaluating the settings.

    I also found a longer razor with stars on it, a gilette i 1 I think it may have been a woman's razor, perhaps my grandmothers, though it was in with my grandfathers stuff. Its pretty clean also, I might take a photo of yall haven't seen enough DE's on here lol.

    Thanks again!

    Last edited by Rhythmicons; 10-24-2010 at 04:09 AM.

  8. #17
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    So I let my skin rest for a couple of days...I set the DE on 3 and kept thinking to myself....2 passes, 2 passes, 2 passes only. I don't yet see how this is posible. I got a FGS (fairly good shave) but still needded to use my electric to finish the job.

    I did quite a bit better thinking about no pressure, interestingly above my upper lip i got almost the perfect shave so Im happy about that.

    I should clarify that I don't wear a beard or moustache.

    I had some rough edges around my neck but I think everyones advice is starting to help. I realize that Im not going to get it in a few days, but still 2 passes I think requires some skill. I got my sideburn area pretty smoothe in one direction, but closer to my chin, I think i need to pass ATG, and the stubble is thicker there.

    Im making nice progress, spending more time on the pre have post shower face prep. I don't think that Ill be experincing the rashes indefinately due to the shave so thats nice.

    Then I read the thread What is BBS? which I think has a lot of good advice, just shoot for a socially acceptable yet pretty good shave and not chase the BBS.

    This forum is a great resource and everyone here is very supportive.


  9. #18
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    Well Trog,

    I got your razor and have been using it the last 2 days.

    Do any of you have a similar problem?

    Im shaving, and I go with, across and against the grain, I hear the scrapes, im stretching, latered. Im doing post shower face prep with hot water and using the brush to massage the stubble.


    Its like no matter what I do, I can't get a smothe shave.

    Now, my skin is sensitive, but ive become less of the scyptic pencil pusher these days. Today I barely had any nicks.

    Im noticing on my neck, around the adam's apple, that in every pore there is a white bump. It feels rough lke hair but nothing gets it smoothe. I don't know if this is a razor bump or an ingrown hair.

    Im shaving but I feel like if I was to run a cotton swab in that area it would still rip it to shreads.

    My question is....

    Am I expecting too much out of the DE? Will a str8 take care of this like a de wont?


  10. #19
    Member BruceOnShaving's Avatar
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    1) Make sure your stubble has been wet for at least 3 minutes before you start shaving. After a shower is perfect. Your hair loses 80% of its strength when it is waterlogged.
    2) Use your left hand to stretch and move your face around as you shave.
    3) Don't use a Gillette adjustable above 4.
    4) Only make short shaving strokes.
    5) Move the razor with your arm, not your wrist, this helps keep the blade angle right.
    6) Zero pressure on the razor. Aim just to remove the lather.
    7) Shave with the grain. XIG and ATG are further up the learning curve.
    8) Don't aim for a perfect shave, that will only come with practice. Just do 3 passes and be happy with the results.
    9) Buy and use some smooth blades.
    10) Watch the Mantic59 videos on Youtube. This is the best tip of all.
    11) most people who think that they have sensitive skin actually have normal skin.
    12) Use a good post shave balm.
    13) The Gillette ladies razor is probably better than the adjustable to get you up the learning curve.

    There might be something in that lot that helps. Good luck.
    Last edited by BruceOnShaving; 10-30-2010 at 07:35 AM.

  11. #20
    Inane Rambler Troggie's Avatar
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    Hope it is working for you..

    I have been doing wet shaving for almost 9 months and still have issues with my jaw/chin area some days. It takes time to get the technique down that works for you and then being consistent with that technique.

    Keep at it as it sounds like you are seeing some benefits already and the shaves will just keep getting better.

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