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  1. #1
    Razor Vulture sharptonn's Avatar
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    Default Blades,which and where??

    I am a straight razor guy and need some advise from some of you DE guys. I am tired of paying the extortion fees for a household of women to shave their legs with those goofy throwaways and gimmick stuff. I am getting them all a Lady Gillette for Christmas. Since I see lots of blades offered, I need to know what the absolute best blades are for this purpose and where to obtain them in quantity at a fair price! Many thanks in advance for your help!

  2. #2
    Junior Member lradke's Avatar
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    I don't know about leg shaving, because my wife refuses my offers to use a DE razor. I have found that the Red Israeli (Personna Platinum) blades are the best. I find all other ones too dull, or that they dull after one pass (except feather blades which I only use if I haven't shaved for a few days, because they are the sharpest in my mind). The personna blades can be found on ebay and cost around $15/100 blades. I get a weeks worth of shaving from a blade, but if I were to have a quality shave everyday I can get 4 days worth of shaves per blade (2, 3-pass shaves per side).

    I have thick stubble on my face and these are the best that have worked for me. Like I said, everything else is too dull or dulls too fast, except for the feather blade (in which a stiptic pencil is my best friend...).

    I hope this helps...good luck in your quest for the right blade.

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  4. #3
    The Assyrian Obie's Avatar
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    Default Blades . . .

    Hello, Sharptonn:

    Many brands of double edge razor blades are available to shavers, and each shaver has his or her own preference. What is the best blade? There is no such thing. The best blade is that which works best for the shaver.

    I have tried many blades and have settled — for now — on Feather and Gillette 7 O'Clock "Sharp Edge" in the yellow packs. Although quality blades, they might not work as well for you. It becomes a personal choice.

    If I may suggest, order a sampler pack of blades and try each one until you find the best for you. and offer sampler packs.


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  6. #4
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    You know those women can be mighty contrary with using this stuff. Are you sure they will use what you buy? If you get that far just have them experiment with different blades to find which works best for them. There is no best blade for everyone and every purpose.
    No matter how many men you kill you can't kill your successor-Emperor Nero

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  8. #5
    Razor Vulture sharptonn's Avatar
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    Default Great responses!

    Thanks so much, fellas! It may be a dream to get em to use these! Those picky wemmen always seem to shoot a guy down! I shoulda thought about the FACT that none of you are shavin your legs with DE's! (I hope!)
    Thanks a lot for the blade advise and at least I know a bit about what blades are quality! Maybe I should hit the ladies forum??? HMMMM

  9. #6
    Inane Rambler Troggie's Avatar
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    I got my wife to start DE shaving her legs with a Gillette Old Type with the Personna reds and she likes it.

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    sharptonn (10-31-2010)

  11. #7
    Member BruceOnShaving's Avatar
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    For ladies legs I would give the Feathers a miss.
    The Israeli Personnas would be just fine.

    The sample packs of blades are great but are targeted more at male face shaving. Ladies legs are a different matter.

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    sharptonn (10-31-2010)

  13. #8
    Born a Hundred Years Too Late aroliver59's Avatar
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    I would suggest these Israeli Personnas also. Smooth and forgiving. About .15 cents each in bulk.

    israeli personna items - Get great deals on Collectibles, Health Beauty items on!
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    sharptonn (10-31-2010)

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