Hi there!

It sounds like you could have several small problems all combining into a lousy shaving experience.

1. What is your lather like? It should be creamy and well hydrated and rinse easily off of the blade. You may be using too much cream and not enough water, or not working it enough on your face.

2. The angle at which you hold the razor to your face is very important. It should be cutting hair, not pulling it. Let the razor do the work, don't force it.

3. Try different blades. The ones you're using may not be the best fit for your face. I personally prefer Feather and Gillette 7 O'Clock blades.

4. Try multiple passes. With, across then against the grain. Each successive pass should reduce the stubble more and more until you have a smooth face.

5. Stretch your skin during the shaving pass. With your free hand, reach over your head to your side burn and use your fingers to pull your skin slightly upward and taut.

Mantic59 has some incredible videos on shaving with a safety razor. Watch them a few times, especially the ones on making lather and how to shave with a safety razor

His YouTube page is here:

YouTube - mantic59's Channel

Best of luck!
