
The Pils continues to give me perfect shaves. Glorious shaves. No nicks — well, I shave with care. I even get a perfect shave on my neck, where the stubble grows in a complicated network of crazy directions. I still find the razor about as aggressive as the Merkur 34C, 38C "barber pole" or the Progress. I think the comments about the Pils being overly aggressive are exaggerated.

I continue to admire the razor's overall quality and workmanship. It is superb in every way, including the shave, as I pointed out.

My only problem with the razor is its weight in relation to the relatively thin handle. Ordinarily this would not be a problem; however, as I also have noted, I have terrible arthritis in both thumbs. As a result, the thin handle fails to compensate in balancing the razor's weight in my banged up hands.

By the way, even though the handle's texture is smooth, I have experienced no slipping. I presume the matt finish is partly responsible, but I don't know.

I have moved my grip up closer to the shave head to compensate for the weight problem, and it helps to a degree, but not enough. I'll continue to experiment and see what happens and will keep you posted.

Ah, yes, the Pils is a gorgeous razor.

