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Thread: DE Trouble

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  1. #1
    Junior Member hhornsey's Avatar
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    Default DE Trouble


    After months of exclusively using cut-throats this week I fancied using a safety again. At first I was so impressed with the shaves that I wondered why I had started using cut-throats at all.

    Then I remembered... I seem to get terrible results on my neck; bumps, redness, ingrowing hairs. Generally painful and unsightly.

    I am using the same pre-shave prep as when I use a cut-throat and stick to two passes as usual. What's going on? Why this huge discrepancy on the neck and only on the neck?

    I am using a Merkur HD with a Merkur Super blade. Same brushes and soaps as usual.

    Any help would be much appreciated as I still want the DE option. Thanks.

  2. #2
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Try a diff blade,are far better blades to be had.JMO

  3. #3
    Junior Member hhornsey's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pixelfixed View Post
    Try a diff blade,are far better blades to be had.JMO
    I've tried a few; Derby, Gillette, Israeli and Feather. Still seam to get irritation.

  4. #4
    Senior Member Wintchase's Avatar
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    From a guy who is going through the same thing as you...I have used str8s for years and decided to try a DE (and am loving it), although it has left some razor burn after the last few shaves...I think I hpressed to hard..THe first shave I was timid and was very light on the pressure...The last few though I pressed harder and now it looks like I have chicken pox...I am going to let my face heal for acouple days and try again with lighter pressure..Good luck, let me know if you find the secret out..I could use the help too.

  5. #5
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Since you have used a variety of blades with similar results the issue reverts to your technique. I think too many guys think if they use a straight, switching to a DE is a piece of cake and don't realize you need to use many of the same techniques. Watch your skin stretching and angle and pressure. Those are the keys with a DE. You need to find the right combination for you.
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  6. #6
    Let's talk Horsehair newb's Avatar
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    I've been a d/e user for a while. As said before less pressure and angle is the key. But I've found that I am more prone to irritation and razor burn when I use heavy razors such as a HD, Ej, and even my beloved barbasol. The majority of my d/e shaves are now done with lighter weight razors (vintage gillettes and GEMs). The only heavy razor I can comfortably use is the merkur futur. Heavy razors have a tendency to dig in on me , even without applying pressure.

  7. #7
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    I have a few ideas to throw out there for your consideration:

    -Ditch the Merkur blades. Yes they are capable of shaving, but there are many better brands of blades out there. This may be one of the main contributing factors to your irritation.

    -The 34C is a heavy razor; let the weight of the head do all the work for you. Remember, DE blades are extremely sharp and therefore extremely sensitive to pressure.

    -In the neck area, be sure that your angle remains fairly constant. If not, the angle can open up and you end up abrading/scraping the skin instead of just shaving hair.

    Try them and see how it goes.

  8. The Following User Says Thank You to Ryan82 For This Useful Post:

    hhornsey (02-17-2011)

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