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  1. #1
    Senior Member bamabubba's Avatar
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    Default Well, I've done it now

    I took a day off from straight shaving last night and used my dad's injector for the first time. He used it all my life until he couldn't get blades for it. Of course, that was when I was around 10. After that, he used disposables and finally a Schick Tracer. I never got to shave with his injector but always wanted to. I finally tracked down some old stock Schick blades (all metal case) and ordered them. I didn't have as much time as usual last night so I used his. Great shave!! Not a lot of difference between it and my straight, except I forgot the angle bit with it and did a little bouncing on my jawline. Fortunately, I don't bleed much and heal very quickly. You can't even see any evidence of the rubber razor ricochets this morning.

    I'm glad I got to try it, and it'll be great to have when I need a quicker shave or a touchup. I'm thankful that my dad held onto it for all these years (it's older than I am). I figure he was watching me last night and telling Moses "ugh, I told him to be careful on his jaw! He'll never learn hehe"

  2. #2
    Luddite ekstrəˌôrdnˈer bharner's Avatar
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    Cool. Glad to hear you found some blades. I know that around here most of the small town drug stores and locally owned grocery stores stock injector blades. But no Injectors to go with them .

  3. #3
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    My father used to have an injector and I have very vivid memories when I was maybe 3 or 4 years old of climbing up on the sink to the medicine cabinet and taking the blade holder out and working the mechanism as the blade came out and sliced my finger open. That was over 50 years ago and I still have the scar. I'm looking at it right now. I hate injectors! Har har.
    No matter how many men you kill you can't kill your successor-Emperor Nero

  4. #4
    Special Agent Gibbs's Avatar
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    I started out shaving in 1968 with a DE razor, Gillette I believe, and in 1970 (thereabouts) I got a Schick Injector and had great success with it. Shaved until someon convinced me that a Norelco electric was "just the ticket" and I lost track of where the DE razor or the Schick Injector eneded up. Fast forward quite a few years..... After disposables I started shaving with a straight back in Feb 2011, and have come around full circle and now have several DE razors, blades and a Gem single edge as well as a Schick Adjustable Injector razor. I can buy Schick new blades for it at the local pharamcy. I've shaved with it 2 times and both times was one fantastic shave!! I agree with you about the Injector razor shaving close to the same as the straight. Even closer, IMHO is the Gem Micromatic Clog-Pruf I have. I used Gem blades and it is like an straight on a stick. About the only other razors I've ever heard mention of being like the straight is the PILS and the iKon razor that don't bend the blade when you use them.

    Ebay and online is full of new injector blades. Get a few now. I figure they will only go up or get scarce.
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  5. #5
    Senior Member bamabubba's Avatar
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    I heard that! I tracked down a guy on the bay that sells NOS Schick blades with the all metal case and injector. Ordered 2 of them from him a few weeks back and will likely order a few more before long. I'd love to get my hands on some Personna 74 injector blades as well.

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