I've used a very early model Gillette like the one pictured, and I wouldn't suggest it as a first razor. I found them to be very aggressive and unforgiving. This is a YMMV type of situation, but I'd suggest trying a super speed or a slim adjustable, those are very forgiving razors.
I'd also give a +1 to the blade sampler pack. When going through the sampler pack, try to stick with the same soap/cream for each blade. That will help eliminate one variable when trying to narrow down what blade you like.
Also just for fun if you don't like a blade, don't give up on it completely, Make a note of what razor you tried it in and move on to the next blade. There are several blades for me that work well in some razors and not others. A feather is a good example, they only seem to work well for me in a slant, but in a regular Merkur they leave horrid razor burn and weepers.

The main thing is to enjoy the journey..