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Thread: Brother angry and unhappy with DE shaves! :(

  1. #1
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    Unhappy Brother angry and unhappy with DE shaves! :(

    This may not be so much of a "shaving" question as it is an advice question. I've been using a DE on my legs now for a while, and love it, no problems, no issues getting used to it etc. While I realize that shaving legs is different than shaving a face, I can't seem to understand the issues my brother is having. I gave him a Merkur DE (can't remember exactly which model off the top of my head) for christmas, and he was totally excited about it. I showed him how to lather, explained to him to use very little if no pressure at all, etc. After using it for about 6 months, he has decided that he is just totally fed up with a bloodied face as a result of his shaving, and I've suggested he visit you lovely people over here for advice, watch youtube videos, etc but I have no idea whether he has actually TRIED to get better at shaving or if he just expected to be good at it first thing.

    Personally, I didn't think the learning curve was this steep. He is obviously doing something wrong, but since he is a volatile teenager, he doesn't take criticism well and expects to be good at something automatically. I want him to enjoy his shaves, and I think he wants to enjoy them too, but I have NO idea how to even make suggestions to him.

  2. #2
    face scraper bondpunk's Avatar
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    See if there is a member in your area that could help him offense... I have an older sister and when I was a teen I would rather die than take her advice on anything. even if it was good advice

  3. #3
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    When it comes to wet shaving, even with a DE, having an expectation you will automatically and rapidly be a master at it is the perfect recipe for failure. Unless he changes that attitude maybe the modern systems are best for him.
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  4. #4
    The Assyrian Obie's Avatar
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    Hello, Melissa. I must agree with my friend thebigspendur about your brother's attitude toward the double edge razor. From your description, your brother is used to instant gratification. That is incongruous with the world of wet shaving with the double edge razor. Like the straight razor shave, the double edge does present a learning curve. It also requires time spent on the art and the skill of proper shaving.

    Were I faced with the same circumstance as you, I would drop the double edge idea and let him choose whatever means that fit his personality. Obviously he is not suited for this form of shaving — for now. He might be later. Let him, therefore, make his own discoveries. He might come around, and he might not. It should be his decision. Either way, until he changes his attitude toward time and effort that this form of shaving requires, he will continue to suffer the nicks and the rashes — and complain. Stay well.
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  5. #5
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    First off he's a lucky kid to have a big sister that not only wants him to get an excellent shave but also is willing to go to all this trouble to ensure that he gets that shave, way to go. As far as advice it would be best if he could demonstrate to you how he shaves, maybe you'll be able to notice something and help him out. If he's unwilling to do that hopefully he will poke around here and pick some tips up. As far as expecting to be great at something that is not a trait limited to teenagers. Wet shaving is an excellent teacher as you get instant feedback (ouch won't do that again) you only need to be willing to learn, too many people aren't which is why we have a plethora of multi blade disposables and electrics. Best of luck to you and your brother!

  6. #6
    what Dad calls me nun2sharp's Avatar
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    Not to be rude, but you described him as a 'volatile teenager", I think this explains it all. When he is mature enough to learn to shave correctly he will enjoy the shave. Having been one of these "teenagers" in the distant past I know it wont do you any good to push it.
    Last edited by nun2sharp; 08-09-2011 at 06:19 PM.
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  7. #7
    Easily distracted by sharp objects alb1981's Avatar
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    I am probably one of the few here that took to the straight edge like a duck to water and absolutely could not get a good shave from a DE. I struggled with bloody shave after bloody shave. In the end I was able to get shave's with out the blood, but they just didnt compare to what I could get from my straights (mostly i would have to shave 2x a day if i wanted to stay bbs) so I gifted my DE to my best friend who fell in love with it. Some people Can use them, some people can use them and dont like them. Either way it does take alot of practice to find out.

    hope he sticks it out.

  8. #8
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    I have been straight shaving for almost a year now and can't stand shaving with a DE, I would rather shave with my old Fusion instead of using my DE. The shaves are way less comfortable then both straights and Fusions in my experiences. I hope he can find a form of wet shaving that works for him, it is much better on the skin than cartridge razors.

  9. #9
    Senior Member tekbow's Avatar
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    On the subject of volatile teenagers. The alternative is to wind him up and sit back and watch the fireworks? May be entertaining at least?

    From his point of view his big sister shouldn't be better at shaving than he is. This has tons of milage in it for giving you something to do when you're bored.
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  10. #10
    Senior Member rodb's Avatar
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    Get him an old Gem or an Injector or maybe take him to an antique store and let him pick out his own. At that age coolness is everything.
    Not everyone takes to this either, keep that in mind.

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