I've been De shaving for 18 months now and straight shaving for about a month. My DE still gives me a closer shave but that's probably just down to my technique with a straight. I'm at the point of giving up (again!) on straights as the results are so hit and miss. I've tried most DEs from Fatboys, slim adjustables, red tips, rockets to the modern DE89, Meuhle 41 etc. The only one I've kept and use every day is a Mergress, basically a pimped Merkur Progress adjustable. I went through a load of different blades and only recently found that a Shark stainless steel blade from egypt worked best for me. With a De you can vary the angle to suit yourself. I find it more manoeuvrable and shaving against the grain on tough stubble under my chin is a breeze with the DE compared to the patchy results with a straight. I love the whole straight shaving idea but it just doesn't work for me. At least with a DE I still get the prep, brush and soap experience. As with everything it's trial and error to find what suits you as far as DE and blade combo goes. I really wish I hadn't just watched that SE video as I'm now tempted..........