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Thread: Disappointed in a Derby blade.

  1. #31
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obie View Post
    Indeed, a sharp blade does not necessarily mean a closer shave. You are correct. Which takes us to the next question: What exactly is a closer shave? Closer than what? Closer according to whose definition? For me, whether I use the straight or the double edge, what matters more is a silky comfortable shave rather than my Hollywood face rendered smooth by a light saber. What helps make the silky comfortable shave possible is good preparation, a good razor, a good blade, and a skilled hand.
    Stay well and have a Merry Christmas.
    Closest shave? Well, first BBS then when does the stubble return. That's how I decide what's close. But you're right Obie it's more about the comfort.

    I get the closest with the Muhle open comb but the agony.
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  2. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by THG View Post
    I think I might be the only one in the world who hasn't found a blade that "shreds up my face." Everyone seems to have a horror story about some brand of blade, but I can shave just fine with any.
    Most of the time it's not your face disagreeing with a blade, it's the blade disagreeing with a certain razor. Of course as Obie pointed out there are other factors like prep and technique, which are equally as important as finding a good razor & blade combo.

    I currently have around 10 different brands of blades in my collection (yeah, peanuts compared to DE fanatics), and there are only two blades that disagree with all my razors and, more importantly, my face: Merkur and Shark. They don't "shred" up my face per say, but they aren't very comfortable - however, I can get maybe 2 close shaves from them before they give up the ghost. YMMV.
    Obie likes this.

  3. The Following User Says Thank You to Ryan82 For This Useful Post:

    Obie (12-25-2011)

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