I disagree. I feel DE razor shaving is a great intro to straight edge razor shaving. It's a great intro to undertstand razor shaving in general. You can learn all about hair growth patterns, brushes, shave creams and soaps, pre-shave products and technique, lathering technique, post-shave products and technique.

Straight razor shaving takes some practice to do correctly so I take my time and progress slowly and thoroughly, enjoying the journey. When I have time I just do my cheeks, and what areas I can acomplish safely with the straight. What do you then do with what's left? Use a nice DE to finish!

When I need quicker shaves the DE razor is perfect for a closer and smoother full shave. At least better I feel than the other alternatives. I feel my face is getting more used to razor shaving also. Also the DE shaving area complements straight razor shaving within the broad area of wet shaving. It's cool to collect beautiful looking, historical and even new DE razors and experience the different way they feel and shave. Then you have all the different blades to try also.

If the straight razor shave is really the nirvana of shaving I'm looking forward to getting there and experiencing all sorts of razor shaving on the way.